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Since you and Gellert decided to get married as soon as possible,Queenie had taken it upon her self to be your wedding planer.
"So we have the bride,groom,the venue here,we have the maid of honor me and the best man,Matthew" Queenie lists
"Yes mum" you say,the two of you had been at this for hours
"That just leaves your dress and who will walk you down the isle" Queenie says
"That will be Matthew" you say
"Well that just leaves dress shopping"
"What fun" you say sarcastically, putting your head down on the table
"Here you are" came Gellert's voice
"Have you come to save me?" You ask hopeful, looking up at him.

"Maybe,What do I get in return?" Gellert smirks
"Now I'm leaving" Queenie says. Gellert comes and sits beside you
"As much as I love Queenie, she has been talking non stop for hours my ears hurt" you tell him
"I can help with that" Gellert says,leaning over. He gently nibbles on your ear lobe,causing you to shiver. His mouth leaves your ear and trails kisses down your neck,once he reaches your sweet spot you moan,making him smirk and begin to suck and bite your neck,leaving a hickey for all to see.

You push him off your neck and press your lips against his roughly, biting and sucking on his lower lip.
"Eww,gross" you hear,you reluctantly let go of Gellert's lips and see your brother
"Never heard of knocking" Gellert says
"Its the kitchen" Matthew replies
"Your point" you say
"Queenie asked me to come get you" Matthew says
"Where are you going?" Gellert asks
"Dress shopping" you groan
"Have fun,my love" Gellert smirks
"I'll get you for that"
"I look forward to it"
"And now I'm going to have nightmares" Matthew says
"Don't be such a prude,little bro" you say pushing him out the door.

You and Queenie had managed to find you a nice wedding dress,but before you head back you spot someone. It is Caplan Bordmann. You watch him for a few seconds,as he approaches a woman. Your mother.
"We have to leave" you say

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