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You and Gellert are taking a walk threw the forest outside Nurmengard. You are watching a deer jump away,when Gellert says
"Let's head back" you nod and take his hand and start to head back to the castle,only for a spell to fly over your head and make bark rain down on you.

You and Gellert both draw your wands as about ten people surround you two
"Well,well look what we have here" it is Caplan Bordmann"the lovebirds out for a stroll,how revolting " the others laugh at this
"We will kill you all" Gellert says to Caplan
"I don't think so" and with that,the ten of them start to fire spells at you and Gellert. You were taking on five,whilst Gellert was taking on the other five.

It soon came down to you and one man,and Gellert and Caplan. You are winning until the man made the ground at your feet explode which sent you flying.
"Y/N" Gellert shouts to you
"Time to die" Caplan says and him and the other man both say the killing curse at the same time,and two green lights hit Grindelwald. One in the back and the other in the heart.
"GELLERT" you shout as Caplan and the man disappear.

You crawl over to Gellert, you couldn't stand as you are bleeding and had a broken leg. When you reach him he is hardly breathing
"Gellert" you call to him,you pull yourself to sit up and hold him against you as best you could. You could hear shouting and running behind you"Gellert please hold on" you could feel his breath leaving him.

People were so close to you now,but you didn't care. Gellert manages to raise his hand to your face and place it against your cheek
"Don't leave me" you say,crying. Just as the others arrive,the light leaves Gellert's eyes and his hand falls away from your face. You scream for him to come back.

The followers stand there not knowing what to do,for there leader and the love of your life Gellert Grindelwald is dead...

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