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You open your eyes and let them adjust to the light,you weren't even aware that you had fallen asleep let alone on your boyfriend. Who himself appeared to be asleep. Since he is asleep, you decided to admire your handsome boyfriend. Your eyes wonder over his strong jaw line,up to his tempting lips that you loved to kiss,your eyes wander higher to his cheek bones that looked like they could cut glass,as your eyes wonder over to his eyes that were closed he spoke
"Enjoying the view?" You were so caught up in his face,that when he spoke you jumped and fell off his lap and onto the floor. He opens his eyes and laughs at you,you pout at him from the floor.

Eventually he stops laughing and holds out his hand and asks
"Are you alright love?" You take the  offered hand
"Yes,I'm fine. You just surprised me" you tell him,he pulls you closer and says quietly
"Not that I'm not complaining, but why were you staring at me?"
"I was admiring your beautiful face" you tell him
"You're the beautiful one" he says
"Can we just agree that were going to disagree with each other,and just say we're both beautiful" you ask
"Agreed, but you're more beautiful"
"Oh shut up and kiss me".

However before you could kiss,the door opens and Credence enters looking very disturbed with Queenie
"What's the matter Credence?" You ask,walking over to him
"I've seen...things..." He says,you look to Queenie who says
"Credence was sitting in the library reading,when Jeff Richards entered with Carol Hunt(if that's your name change it)"
"How is that disturbing" you ask
"It gets worse" Queenie says "It was then they started to suck each others faces off and share oxygen"
"Eww" you say disgusted. Whilst you had been talking,Grindelwald had approached you from behind and taps you on the shoulder, you turn and be meet with Gellert kissing you.

"You sir,are rude" you tell him,once he releases you from his lips
"What?You said you wanted a kiss,so I did" Gellert tells you innocently.
"How come you two are cute together and Jeff and Carol are disturbing?" Credence asks
"Because this is real love" Queenie answers for you
"And those two..."
"There an accident waiting to happen.

"Well I know who my relationship goals are based on" Credence says"You guys"he says to you and Gellert
"Awww,thanks Credence" you say and hug the young male
"Hey,where's my hug?" Gellert demands,you let go of Credence and go and hug your boyfriend

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