Next Move.

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"How did he know this information?" Gellert asks you
"Apparently the ministry told Dumbledore about him,but he wasn't meant to tell me,because my Father didn't want me to know because of my life choice" you say to him
"Typical ministry, thinking what's best for them and no one else"

"What do you wish to do with this information?" Gellert asks
"At the moment, I'm not sure" you begin "I think I'll sleep on it for now"
"I like the sound of that" Gellert says smirking
"Not like that,you dirty man" you say blushing
"OK,but you know you can't say no to me" Gellert says, before kissing you hard on the lips
"You're a very rude man" you inform him,after you pull apart
"I know what I am" Gellert says,standing up and pulling you up with him.

The next morning before you and Gellert head down to breakfast,you tell him your choice
"I have made my choice" you begin
"OK" Gellert says, sitting beside you
"I go to the ministry, find my brother and see if he wants to get to know me and see if he has seen Caplan there" you say
"I only have one problem?"
"Which is?"
"I'm going with you" Gellert informs you
"Oh no you don't" you stand up"if my brother doesn't want to know me,I don't want the ministry to try and capture you"

"Y/n..." Gellert try's
"I don't want them to send you back to jail and hurt you" you tell him,he stands up and puts his arms around you
"And I don't want that to happen to you" Gellert says to you "I almost lost you once,I will not let that happen again"
"There's nothing I can say, that will change your mind is their?" You say
"No" Gellert says smiling at you
"I love you Gellert"
"I love you too y/n".

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