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Gellert had sent Abernethy to go and send Matthew back whilst he kept an eye on Caplan. You hadn't been back in Gellert's office long,when there is a knock on the door
"Come in" Gellert said,the door opens and Matthew walks in and sits beside you.

"What can you tell us?" You ask
"Apart from them doing nothing for most of the time,I did actually over hear one of there plans" Matthew say's
"Then tell us" Gellert says
"According to Caplan and please don't take offence to this,but he says because Y/n looks a lot like Jessica they could use that to there advantage" Matthew tells you. You didn't know what to say,you had always feared you would end up looking like your mother.
"In what way does that work for them?" Gellert asks him
"I think they are going to try and switch Y/n with Jessica,and hand her over to the ministry".

" That's a good plan,but with one major flaw"you say
"Which is?"
"I would know the difference, if they tried to put Jessica in as Y/n"
"Yes but you do have some similarities with Jessica" Matthew tells you
"Such as?" You ask

"Well apart from similar hair and eye colour, you're both about the same height and same weight,plus you are both very smart" Matthew explains
"That may be so,but you my love are much smarter, a lot nicer and far more beautiful" Grindelwald tells you,making you blush
"Enough of the mushy stuff" Matthew complains
"Just wait until you fall in love" you defended

"Did they say when they would try this?" You ask your brother
"No they did not,I think it was in the early stages of planning" Matthew says
"Good then we have the upper hand,for now go back and keep watching them,we will get them soon".

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