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"What happened?" Gellert asks you
"We were talking when the door bursts open and some guy says Matthew is under arrest and then asked me where you where,but I took care of them." You say,smirking at the last part
"Did they hurt you?" Gellert asks,standing up
"No,they where on there ass before they could even try" you tell him.
"If I had known that was going to happen,I would have gone with you"

"What am I going to do now?" Matthew asks
"I don't know,ask him" you turn to Gellert
"You will stay here with us,since the ministry is after you" Gellert tells him
"And what will I do?" Matthew asks him
"For now nothing, until I need you"
"I'll get Abernethy to show you were the basic stuff is,like the kitchen and the living room" you tell him
"I'll be sleeping were?"
"I'm my old room,its still empty"
"Where are you sleeping?" Matthew asks,you just give him a "really" look and say
"With my fiancé, where else"

Whilst Matthew is off with Abernethy, you and Gellert had your daily walk.
"There is one thing I'm not looking forward to with this wedding" Gellert says
"Which is?" You ask
"The day before the the wedding,we have to stay apart for twenty four hours" he tells you
"Say what" you asked shocked
"Queenie says its a tradition or something"

"Your telling me I have to stay away from you,for twenty four long lonely hours" Gellert nods"That's not fair,I can't not see you for that long"
"I know,you cant even last twenty four seconds away from me"
"I can,I just choose not to"
"Yeah,because I'm that addictive" Gellert says smug,as a replie you throw a snowball at him.
The snowball breaks on his chest, he looks at you with a "seriously" look
"You asked for that" you say innocently
"And you asked for this" Gellert pulls you forward and kisses you on the lips.

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