Ending part 1.

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The next day you were completely board, why because you had to stay away from Gellert,it is the day before your wedding. Queenie is making sure you stayed away from him,but you kept trying to sneak away.

You are in the kitchen trying to distract Queenie with cooking and it is working,you had dragged Credence into your plan. So whilst Credence is distracting Queenie, you sneak out of the kitchen and made your way to Gellert's office. You pass Abernethy and say
"If you tell Queenie where I am,I shall slap you".

You arrived at Gellert's office,quietly opening the door you sneak inside. Gellert hadn't noticed you were in the room
"Damn Queenie and her idea" Grindelwald mutters to himself
"Awwww,you miss me" you said,Gellert turns to the door and the moment he see's you he smiles
"Of course I miss you" you walk over to him and kiss him."How did you get away from Queenie? "Gellert asks, after you pull apart
"I'm that sneaky" you say,Gellert gives you a look and you add"okay fine,I dragged Credence into it".

"How long do we have?" Gellert asks
"Until Queenie finds me,so anything from two minutes to the rest of the day" you say. Gellert sits down at his desk and you sit on his lap. Whilst Gellert was working, you sat and ran your hand threw his hair
"Having fun?" Gellert asks
"Yeah,you have the most amazing platinum blond hair ever" you say
"Thank you, my love".

You hear running and then the door opens and Credence says
" Queenie is looking for you"
"Damn" Gellert says, wrapping his arms around you"She can't have you,you're staying put"
"You're the boss" you say,Credence goes to leave but hastily shuts the door again
"She's right out side" he whispers
"Hide" you say and hop off Gellert's lap and onto the floor behind the desk and Credence hurries to the other side.
The door opens and you hear Queenie ask
"Sir,have you seen Y/n?"
"No,not since this breakfast" Gellert lies.

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