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You and Gellert lay in the snow kissing. Even though it was cold outside you did not care,the love of your life had just asked you to marry him. Gellert stands and pulls you up. Dusting snow off your self's you both head back inside. You return to the kitchen,drink some warm tea and go to bed.

In the next morning you just lay in bed,for a few minutes longer admiring the ring on your finger. You had never felt so happy.
"Are you getting up this morning?" Gellert asks coming back into the room from the bathroom
"At some point" you tell him. He walks back over to the bed,going to pick up his coat,he stops looks down at you and smirks,mischievously
"What's that look for?" You ask. Gellert doesn't replied,he just climbs on top of you,pinning you to the bed. You look at each other he moves your hands above your head and leans down and kisses you,his pushes his tounge into your mouth,your tounges move together in a perfect tangel. You break apart,breathing hard and blushing.

He runs his hands down your chest,but before he could do anything more,a loud crash is heard from down stairs
"How dare they interrupt" Gellert groans,he climbs off you and says"We will finish this later"he leaves the room,allowing you to get dressed.

You head down stairs, you pass your fiancé on the way and he informs you that the noise was Jeff and Carol being gross again. You walk into the kitchen and sit beside Abernethy, as he was on your right he didn't notice your engagement ring. Credence sits on your left as Queenie servers breakfast
"I wonder how long it will be until someone notices my ring" you think

As you talked with the boys,Queenie asks
"Y/n what's that?"
"What's what?" You say
"On your hand" you look at your right hand on purpose
"No your left han...oh my god,is that what I think it is?" Queenie screeches
"I don't know,you tell me" you say. She marches over to you and snatches your left hand,her eyes widen and she engulfed you in a hug.

Credence and Abernethy just look confused
"When?" Queenie asks
"Last night" you tell her
"Oh y/n,I'm so happy for you" she tells you
"What for?" Abernethy asks,you roll your eyes at him and Queenie shoves your hand to his face and he says
"Its a ring" Credence thinks,then says
"Is that an engagement ring?"
"Yes" Queenie shouts
"At least Credence has a brain" you say to Abernethy
"Congratulations y/n" Credence says,also hugging you
"Are you marring Grindelwald?" Abernethy asks,you turn and glare at him,luckily Credence still had a hold of you,so Abernethy wouldn't get hit
"Yes you dumb ass,who else am I going to marry".

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