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You and Gellert had ran off the moment Queenie wasn't looking,you were currently walking down a corridor.
"What do we do now?" Gellert asks you
"Annoy someone?" You suggest
"Nah" Gellert replies
"Snowball fight?" You say looking out the window
"Too cold"
"I'm no baby. I'm..." Gellert thinks"I don't know how old I am but I'm no baby"
"Let's just trash a random room"
"Okay" you open the nearest door,which just happens to be Gellert's office.

"Well this room is boring" Gellert says looking around
"Then let's make it fun" you say
"We paint"
"What?" Gellert asks
"That symbol on your shirt, it looks cool" you say pointing to the deathly hallows logo on his chest
"Here" and Gellert takes off his shirt right in front of you. You stare open mouth at him
"Why are you staring at me?" He asks
"I don't know" you say,you walk over to him but instead of taking his shirt,you run your hands down his chest
"Wow" you mutter to your self.

"Y/n?" Gellert says,you look up and realised how close you were stood" Do you feel different? " he asks
"Yeah,I feel like I'm on fire and my tummy feels funny" you say staring into his eyes
"Same"you stay looking at each other for a long time,before you press your lips against his,he kisses you back running his hands down your body. He licks your bottom lip and you grant him access to your mouth,your tounges fight against each other but Gellert wins,causing you to moan into his mouth,making him smirk. You separate for air,your face bright red
"I'm...gonna..get paint" you stutter out, still weak from your make out with Gellert. What you didn't know was that the woman that "flirted" with Gellert at the ball,had over heard what Queenie said and had followed you two to Gellert's office.

You were heading back to Gellert having found no paint,you open the door to see some woman kissing Gellert(he had his shirt back on),he was trying to push her off
"HEY"you shout,they both look at the door
"Y/n its not what you think" Gellert says,you felt your blood boil at this woman
"I'll kill you" you scream,but instead of lunging for Gellert like he thought, you dive for the woman,but miss she runs out the door with you following.

Queenie and Credence hear running and arrive at Gellert's office,just as he came out,looking sad
"Sir,what happened?" Credence asks him
"Y/n left to get paint,we were going to paint in there and I waited for her,but this other woman came in and she kissed me,I was trying to push her off as y/n came back and she chased her" Gellert explains " I really like y/n,but she probably hates me"
"Awwww" Queenie says
"Not the time Queenie" Credence says "Don't worry sir,I know for a fact y/n loves you"
"Really?" Gellert asks hopeful
"Yes" Credence reassures him,the three of them hear a scream from down stairs and run to the library.

As they arrive Mrs Bolton comes out and says
"Miss y/n is attacking Miss Carlson" they opened the door to see Y/n break the Carlson woman's wrist. Gellert hurries over and pulls her back
"Next time,I'll kill you" you glare at her
"Now we have them both,what do we do?" Credence asks, you and Gellert were kissing again
"We keep them safe until later" Queenie says,noticing you two making out "Horny teenagers".

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