Feeling Terrible.

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For the rest of the afternoon, Queenie and Credence manage to keep y/n and Gellert safe. The only problem being they had was keeping them separate but in the same room,because they couldn't keep there hands off each other. Eventually they fell asleep
"Why don't we go to dinner,and let them sleep" Queenie whispers to Credence.

When you woke up,you weren't sure what time it was but you did feel awful. You just lay on the sofa until you felt pressure on your stomach, you look and see it was Gellert's head
"I don't feel to good" you tell him
"Your not alone" he tells you"What's wrong with us" he asks,lifting his head to look at you
"We're weird" you say
"Speak for yourself" Gellert retorts "I think we missed dinner" he stands up,offering his hand"Will you join me?" You role off the sofa,stand up and take his hand
"Always" you say. The two of you make your way to the kitchen slowly, you seemed to be drained of energy.

You enter the kitchen to see Queenie taking to Credence
"How are you two feeling?" Queenie asks
"Terrible" Gellert says,sitting down
"I feel like I've been run over by an elephant" you say sitting beside Gellert. Queenie goes to question your statement, but changes her mind
"What happened to us?" Gellert asks,he seemed to have more life in him,than you did. You lean your head on Gellert's shoulder
"Actually, I think I'm going to bed" you say standing up and heading to the door,you stop halfway turn around walk back over to Grindelwald and kiss him on the lips,causing Queenie to whistle at you two. You leave the three of them in the kitchen.

"Now I know something is wrong" Gellert says"y/n would have thrown something at you" Gellert says to Queenie
"It will be the flour" Credence blurts out
"Flour?" Gellert asks him
"I'm certain the flour you were using to bake was dodgy" Queenie tells him,then explains her theory
"I get what you mean,but it will have to wait until tomorrow, I don't feel good either" Gellert says standing up,and walking out the door
"I think tomorrow, I'm going to get more fresh flour.

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