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Everyone collectively shrinks back,as Grindelwald waves a hand and Bill floats back into the room,beside the other guy. You cast a spell and chains appear around them
"Now before you all leave,you must reprove your loyalty to me" Gellert says,taking out the elder wand and blue flames shoot out. Gellert looks at you,you pass threw the fire,proving your loyalty to all,and open the door to the living room again. One by one the followers pass threw the fire successfully, until it is only you,Gellert and the traitors left
"Close the door,my love" Gellert says,turning to the two men in chains. You close the door and make your way to Gellert's side

"Ben Thompson and Bill Jones,such promising young followers
"These are who you over heard?"
"Indeed,my love"
"Do you know what the punishment for being a traitor is?" Gellert asks them
"Banishment" Ben says
"Handed to the ministry" Bill adds
"No,its death" you inform them
"Yes,its normally death but because you" Gellert looks at Ben" wished to harm my Queen,you shall suffer before you die"
"Please sir,I would never do it for real" Ben pleads
"But you were going to,as you said" since the old guy isn't here,we can have some fun with the ladies" Gellert reminds him

You move slightly to punch him,but Gellert stops you
"Calm down" he tells you,threw his mind
"I don't like people insulting you" you tell him,he smiles at you,before killing Bill. You didn't even flinch at the sight of the dead body before you. At this point,Ben was visibly shaking in fear,for death was quick,but he was to be torchered for the things he wanted to do to you,that Gellert had over heard.
"To even do those things to a woman is wrong,but to want to do them to my woman,is a lot worse" Gellert tells him.

Whilst Gellert was torchering Ben, you thought,if Gellert hadn't over heard Ben and Bill talking,what would they have done to you and Queenie. Your taken from your thoughts when a hand is placed on your shoulder
"Are you alright,my love?" Gellert asks
"Yes,just deep in thought" you tell him" What is with these guys and wanting to do bad stuff to me,first Caplan and then Ben"
"They can't handle the fact,that a woman,as beautiful as you is not with them" Gellert tells you
"Softie" you tease,earning a smirk from him.

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