Ending part 2.

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A/n his smile is so hot.

"That's strange I thought she would have come to see you" Queenie says
"Have you checked the library, she is in there a lot" Gellert informs her
"I was heading there next" and with that Queenie leaves,you wait until you can't hear Queenie any more and then say
"I am not always in the library"
"I know,the library is big so it will take her a while to search every were" Gellert says

"Huh,hadn't thought of that" you say. You and Credence stand up and you sit back on Gellert's lap.
"Well I'll leave you two alone" Credence says,heading to the door
"Thanks Credence, your the best" you tell him"I'd give you a hug,but I'm being held captive"he smiles and leaves.

"So what do we do now?" You ask Gellert
"Avoid Queenie for as long as possible" he says
"So what,go outside or head to our room..." You suggest
"Why not both" Gellert says,as you stand up
"Don't you have important work?"you ask
"Yes but it can wait. The greater good won't crumple if I have the afternoon off"
"Your pausing your life's work for me,I feel highly honoured sir" you say
"I'd do anything for you" Gellert tells you.

You and Grindelwald spend an hour or more walking around outside,you were mainly just enjoying your time together, well unless Queenie finds you. You where stood on the hill,wear Gellert had asked you to marry him enjoying the view not to mention the piece and quite up there.

"Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if we had never met?" Gellert asks you
"Boring, pointless,lonely and without love" you say
"Same,but add in darkness and anger" Gellert says "You are the light in my darkness" he adds. After a few moments of silence,you say
"Yes my love" Gellert asks
"We have been caught" you tell him,Gellert who had not been looking forward,noticed Queenie approach.

You wrap Gellert's arms around you,as you watched Queenie near
"Here you are" Queenie says
"Yes,you found me" you admit,disappointed
"Come on back to being separate" Queenie goes to leave
"Sorry can't,I'm being held captive" you say, indicating Gellert's hold on you
"Its only for a few more hours"
"That's like a life time"
"The sooner you get back to it,the sooner tomorrow will be here"

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