Truth from the past.

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You received word from Matthew that he had important information to tell you. You informed Gellert and he reluctantly let you go on your own. You altered your appearance as before,and apperated to the ministry in England. You were walking down the corridor to your brothers office,when a young man bumped into you
"Sorry miss" he says,you notice who he is
"No harm done. Newt Scamander right?"
"Yes,that's me" Newt replies
"I enjoyed your book,I'm quiet the animal lover myself" you tell him

"Oh...thank you..." He replies
"Is it possible for a person to be part monster?"
"I don't know"
"Shame,because I think my boyfriend is part vampire" you say jokingly
"Maybe he was bitten by one?" Newt suggests
"That was a joke Mr Scamander" you inform him
"Oh..." Newt replies awkwardly
"Well as fun as this was,I should be going" you say
"Bye Miss..." Newt asks
"Its Miss Sherly Holmes" you smile and walk off,leaving Newt staring after you.

You arrived at your brothers office,once inside he began
"I have some important information for you"
"As your letter said" you replie
"I over heard someone talking to Caplan Bordmann"
"He was back here?" You ask surprised
"Yes,yesterday. I'm not sure who he was talking too,but they mentioned a woman called Jessica L/N" he says( if that's your name change it)
"They were talking about our mother"
"So,that's her name"
"What did they say her name for?" You demand
"Apparently, Caplan did some work for her recently, but it didn't go to plan." He says
"Is that all?"
"Yes" and with that,you dissaparate right in front of Matthew.

You arrived back at Nurmengard furious, people moved out of your way as you stormed down the corridor to your room. Gellert said he would wait for you there. You open the door and say to him
"I think I know who Caplan is working for"

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