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Luckily for Gellert,the kitchen is empty so it is just the two of you.
"Now I'm going to teach you how to make cupcakes" you tell him
"Why?" He asks
"Just as an excuse to use frosting" you say" oh and you may want to take off your trench coat and waist coat"
"How come?" He inquirers
"Well do you want frosting on your lovely coat?"
"Well then"

You both stood at the large table,surrounded by cooking ingredients
"Now before we start you have to wash your hands" you inform him"Oh and your not allowed to use magic,it must all be done by hand"
"What have I let my self into?" Gellert complains
"You get to make a mess and get bossed around by me" you say
"What?" Gellert looks at you
"Which one of us can bake and which one can not?" You tell him smugly.

The two of you actually had a lot of fun. You enjoyed bossing Gellert around. You were like children, throwing flour at each other and playfully shoving each other. Anytime Gellert had to reach over to grab something,he would use this as an excuse to kiss you.

"Now time to do the frosting" you say,taking out your wand
"Oi,you said no magic" Gellert reminds you
"Yeah well,we don't have frosting so I'm cheating" you say. You make purple frosting appear in piping bags" Now come and see how to do this" as you stand and start to do the frosting on a cupcake, Gellert stands behind you,putting his arms beside you on the table,trapping you in between his arms.

He casually moves your hair and starts to kiss your neck
"I hope you're paying attention" you say,trying your best to ignore his heavenly kisses on your neck
"Might be" he tells you, in between kisses
"Either you pay attention or I will make you" you say,he ignores you so you use one hand,and whilst he is distracted,you tickle him. He stops kissing you and his laughter fills your ears
"Fine,I'll pay attention" Gellert says pouting
"We can play later"
"You promise?"
"If you stop being a pain in the backside,then yes"

Grindelwald looks at you mock hurt
"You take that back"
"Or what?" You say,with hands on your hips,a smirk on your face. He pulls you to him and kisses you roughly. But he failed to notice the frosting in your hand,you reach up and smear frosting on his face. He pulls back and looks down at you
"You do realise this means war" and he grabs frosting and smears it on you
"Git" you say laughing, you scoop up flour and throw it at him,covering his no longer white shirt.

You carried on like this for a few minutes, laughing and throwing flour at each other. You grab a piping bag and so does Gellert and say
"Do you surrender Mr Grindelwald?"
"Never Miss L/n" but before you both could do anything,the kitchen door opens and Queenie and Credence stand there looking between you and Gellert. You both were covered in a mixture of frosting and flour and so was the kitchen, whilst you were distracted, Gellert coves you in more frosting.

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