Closing in.

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The less people Caplan and Jessica had helping them the better. You knew where they were and they where being followed so they wouldn't get away,the only thing left to do was,think of a way to trap them and find out why they were doing what there doing and finally kill them.

You and Gellert had been in his office for hours trying to think of a way to get the two of them.
"What about separating them?" You ask
"How would that work?" Gellert asks in return
"We could try and get one of them alone and get answers from them and then go after the other" you explain

"But then the other could get suspicious and try to escape,and we're back to tracking them down again" Gellert tells you
"Yeah,that makes sense" you say putting your head down onto Gellert's desk. You hear Gellert stand up and walk over to you and say
"I think its time for a break"

The two of you head outside to clear your heads
"I've been thinking for so long,my brain doesn't want to shut off" you say
"How come?" Gellert inquiries
"We're so close to finally getting rid of Caplan for good and yet here we are without a plan,I just don't want all this hard work to be for nothing" you tell him
"We will think of something and we will be rid of them,and then we will be married" Grindelwald reassures you.

"Well whatever plan we think of,we don't want to rush this" you say,as the two of you head back inside.
"True, but we can't wait to long. We don't know if they are planning on doing anything else" Gellert says.

"I sometimes wonder why you haven't got rid of me" Gellert goes to speak,but you carry on"I mean this is all my fault,all these people hate me for one reason or another and they have brought traitors with them to help. And yet you still have me around why?"
"Do you really have to ask that?"
"I keep you around because not only are you my closest and best friend,your also my most loyal and trusted follower,but most importantly I love you Y/n L/n. And soon enough you will be my wife and your problems will be mine. You have been by my side since we met and now I am doing the same for you. For you are the most import aspect of my life" Gellert tells you
"I love you too Gellert Grindelwald" you say as you kiss him.

"Oh and you will be taking my name when we marry"
"Y/n Grindelwald, I like the sound of that".

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