The new guy?

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As the two of you head to the kitchen,Gellert asks
"Why am I doing this again?
" Well,just for fun"you tell him"oh and it would be a good chance to be around your followers,so you can see what they truly think of you" you add,Gellert turns to you and says
"And that my dear is another reason, why I love you" he goes to kiss you,but you put a hand on his chest and say
"Hold up,you can't kiss me"
"Because you don't look like yourself, and you never know who may see us" you tell him,Gellert groans in annoyance
"This is going to be one long afternoon"

You walk into the kitchen, and see Queenie alone in there
"Hey y/n,Who's this guy?" She asks
"Johnny Depp" Gellert answers for you
"So,your American?" Queenie asks him
"Yes" he replies
"Yeah,Johnny here is going to be my assistant whilst Gellert's away" you say
"Oh,how come" Queenie asks
"He just has something to do,he'll be back tomorrow, so I'm in charge" you explain,Gellert gives you a "since when" look and you wink at him, which Queenie doesn't see.

Whilst you were sat talking with Queenie, Gellert is walking around,observing his followers. As he is walking down a corridor,he heard a whispered conversation, threw a slightly open door
"I think you might be right Bill,we should report to the ministry" one voice said
"I told you Ben,they pay good money for info on the greater good" another voice says
"Plus,the old guy ain't here so we can have a bit of fun with some of the ladies" the one called Ben said
"Yeah,I'll take Queenie" Bill said
"Yeah and I'll take y/n,she seems more like a challenge" Ben tells him.

It took all of Gellert's self control, to not storm in there and kill them. He turns on his heel and hurries back to the kitchen, luckily you were still there
"Y/n, may I have a word in private?" You look up at the sound of the kitchen door slamming open,and see Gellert and upon seeing the rage in his eyes and the door slamming open, you stand up and head out of the kitchen with him. You hurry into an empty room,once inside Gellert spoke
"I need you to stay with Queenie"
"Don't you want to know why?" He asks
"Nope,I trust you" you tell him
"Don't let her out of your sight,and stay in our room" he tells you
"For how long?" You inquire
"The rest of the day,I need more info. It turns out you were right about unloyal followers".

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