Who do think you are?

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A/n this chapter contains a swear word and someone saying bad things about Grindelwald.

You and Gellert are now in his office talking about what to do next to find Caplan. It had been some time since you had heard anything of his location. Halfway threw the talk,there is a knock on the door
"Come in" Gellert says,the door opens and Abernathy steps in
"Sir,some of the new recruits are back from the ministry"
"We will be there in one minute" you say,Abernathy leaves you and Gellert stand up and follow after him holding hands.

However once outside the living room Gellert let's go of your hand,you look at him confused
"I know I normally always hold your hand,but I have a plan" he explains
"Go on" you say
"Since there new recruits they don't know your my girlfriend or right hand,so halfway threw I want you to come to me and say I have to leave,but I want you stay and listen to them talking. Keep Abernathy with you"
"Can do".

You stood in the corridor whilst Grindelwald was inside,after some time you open the door and walk in. You could feel the eyes of the new followers on you as you approach Gellert. You stop beside him and say naughty words into his ear,so it would look like you were delivering a message. Gellert walks past you and out the door,as you walk over to Abernathy
" We stay here. And listen to what they say"you whisper to him
"Why?" He asks
"Are you questioning Grindelwald?" You ask
"No,of course not" he says quietly,at that point you heard one of the followers say

"You know,I thought Grindelwald was younger" one man says
"What?" You thought
"Yeah,plus his eyes are freaky and he is really ugly" the woman adds
"Excuse me" you got angrier with each spoken sentence
"Plus how did a guy like that get a young girlfriend" the other guy says
"What?"the other two say
"I over heard some blonde woman and a kid talking and they said that his girlfriend was younger than him" the guy explains
"You know Braxton,I think you should be the leader" the first man says
"You're right George" the man called Braxton says"I mean look at me,I have the body of a god,the mind of a genius and I could give his girlfriend the time of her life".

At this moment you spoke
"I doubt that" the three of them look at you,as you stand in front of them
"Who are you?"George asks
" I know her"the woman says"she's Y/n L/n"
"Face like an angel,mind of a killer and heart of an assassin" Braxton says
"Yes, that's me" you say
"You're my kind of woman" Braxton winks at you
"I have a man that satisfies my every need" you inform him
"I can change your mind,angel" he says confidently. He walks closer to you and says"How about a kiss,princess?"
"Sure"As he goes to kiss you, you punch him in the balls,he falls to the floor in pain as Grindelwald re enters the room.

" Next time you eavesdrop on a conversation, make sure you get all the details first"you tell Braxton
"You bitch" Braxton snarls,standing up. He goes to punch you, but you catch his fist and apply pressure to his wrist
"Why aren't you on your knees before your queen?" You demand
"Sorry" Braxton says in pain
"What was that" you say,twisting his wrist
"Sorry,your highness"
"Now get out of my sight" you let go of his wrist.

He goes to stand ,but you kick him back down
"Crawl,over grown oaf". You turn your attention to the other two
"You" you say to George "get lost" he scurries away"And you "you step closer to the woman" you owe your leader an apology "
"I don't think so" she says cockily,you slap her across the face and grab her by the hair and say dangerously
"You will apologize to him,or I will rip out your tounge and shove it so far up your ass,you will taste your own farts"
"I'm sorry,sir" she squeaked out,you throw her to the floor and she crawls off.

You turn and face Gellert and Abernathy, who says
"Well I'm scared,so I'm just gonna..."and with that he leaves. Gellert steps closer to you and pulls you into his chest
" That was hot "he says quietly
" Thanks "you replie,putting your arms around his neck
" I think you deserve a treat,for your loyalty"he says seductively into your ear,gently biting the lobe sending a shiver down your spine.

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