Girl talk with Queenie.

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A/n I'd like to thank
GellertGrindelwaldXx for helping me with the questions.

Whilst Gellert heads to gather more info on Ben and Bill,you return to Queenie
"Hey Queenie?" The woman in question looks up"Fancy some girl time?" You say.
"Absolutely" Queenie says standing up. You and Queenie head to yours and Gellert's room,you open the door and allow Queenie in first,after looking around you head into the room.

"Wow,your room is even better than before" Queenie comments, looking around
"Thank you, we redecorated after I moved in here" you tell her. Most things were various shades of green and blue,except for the wardrobe which was dark brown. Queenie being Queenie goes over to the wardrobe and has a look inside,whilst you flop onto the king sized bed
"So where shall I sit?" Queenie asks,stepping away from the wardrobe
"You can sit on the chair by the bookcase or on the floor or just on the bed,where ever you'll be comfy.I recommend the bed,some days I don't want to leave it." You say
"I wonder why?" Queenie says smirking
"Not what I meant" you say,throwing a pillow at her"I meant its really soft"
"Sure you did"

"So what did you want to talk about?" Queenie asks,sitting beside you
"Anything you want to really" you say
"Okay let me think" Queenie says, tapping her chin in thought " So how's it going with Mr.Greater Good?" She asks
"In what way?"
"Just in general"
"Really good actually. Well considering this is my longest relationship and what happened at school,Gellert's a really sweet guy" you tell her
"Did you ever expect this relationship to last this long?"
"To be honest Queenie, I never thought we would get together or that he would even like me more than a friend"
"How come?"
"I used to think Gellert was too good for me,because of who he is. I mean Gellert Grindelwald greatest wizard ever and then me a nobody,who was lucky to call him my friend,it just didn't seem possible" you admit to her"Plus Gellert told me,he always though I was too good for him".
"You two are so perfect for each other,its crazy" Queenie says smiling.

"You know I'm always there for you hon,if things ever go wrong between you and Gellert,or you just need anything in general" Queenie reassures you
"I know Queenie, you're a really amazing friend" you tell her" I never expected to be good friends with a female" Queenie looks at you confused " I have always got on better with guys than girls and because of this,girls have always bullied me"
"There just jealous because of how pretty you are"
"Are you flirting with me Miss Goldstein?" You say,causing the two of you two burst out laughing.

When you had calmed down Queenie asks
"Y/n,your not having a fashion crisis are you? Because I'm here to rescue you if you are"
"You know I know nothing of fashion and if I need advice, I would come to you" you reassure her

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