Ending part 3.

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You had tried your best to follow Queenie, but were unsuccessful as Gellert refused to let go of you. You were not really trying anyway,more of a show for Queenie.

"I'd love to join you but I seem to be stuck" you say
"Are you really trying?" Queenie asks
"Yes,besides I can't disobey orders. Gellert said I could not leave" you say
"Not to long ago in his office"
"You where in there" Queenie says
"Yep,hiding behind the desk" you say smiling
"I might have known" Queenie sighs

You suddenly have an idea,you turn to Grindelwald and whisper in his ear
"You promise?" Gellert asks
"When have I ever not" you say
"Okay,deal" and with that Gellert let's you go
"What did you say?" Queenie inquiries
"I shall never tell,for it is our secret" you say.

                        Next day.

Today is the day you are to marry Gellert Grindelwald. And you are beyond nervous. You are currently staring out the window,aimlessly chewing on your nails
"Y/n" you hear Queenie's voice
"Hmm" you turn away from the window
"You're finally back to earth then?Anyway its time to put on your dress" Queenie says
"You know Gellert is the only person I've ever put a dress on for" you say
"You really are strange" Queenie tells you
"I know" eventually you had on the dress and are ready to go,well when your brother arrived.

Ten minutes later your brother arrived
"Just think not to long ago, we met for the first time and now your getting married" Matthew says as you head downstairs
"Yeah I guess" you say,not really paying attention
"You OK?" He asks you
"She is just nervous" Queenie tells him

You and Gellert were finally married,after everything that had happened the two of you over came everything to finally be husband and wife or witch and wizard. It wasn't the biggest nor fanciest wedding, but that did not matter to you. As you and Gellert stood watching the few guests at your wedding,he says
"You're awfully quiet"
"Just thinking" you say
"How much my life has changed. And its all thanks to you" you say,looking at him.

"Well most of it was me,but you made the choice to trust me and join my cause" he tells you
"I can't think of one moment in my life that I would change"
"Even your childhood?"
"Even that,because if I could change my past,then I may have never met you and that is one thing I never want to change" you lean your head on his shoulder, as he holds your hand
"I'm glad I met you and that you learned to trust me as I leaned to trust you. My trust has been betrayed so much that I hardly ever trust people, but you changed that. But your trust is different" Gellert says
"I found it hard to trust guys after what happened at school. Even my last two years at school were hard for me. Then I met you and once I got to know you better,I learned to trust men again".

Eventually the two of you left everyone to enjoy themselves. Threw recent events you and Gellert remained side by side as friends,then lovers and now as a married couple,their where times you could have done things wrong and lost Gellert's trust but you stayed loyal. You will face the coming challenges together. Forever.

                   The End.

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