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The next morning Gellert informed you he had a possible new lead on Caplan,it is why he sent the three from yesterday to the ministry. Gellert had said he is going to talk to Braxton again, and you could go and see your brother for an update. You were reluctant to go this time,because this would be the first time you would be away from Gellert since the nightmare.

"I'll be fine love" Gellert tells you
"I know you will be" you say
"Normally this conversation is the other way around" he tells you,you smile at him
"Promise to call for me if anything happens?"
"I promise" you hug each other lovingly
"How did I get so lucky,to have a woman like you to be mine?" Gellert asks,you look up at him and say
"Because you were you, and that's why I fell in love with you"
"Not to mention how devastatingly handsome I am" he says smirking,you roll your eyes"And you could never keep your eyes off me,even when we where just friends"
"Yes alright, Mr Smug" you say
"I love you,y/n"
"I love you too,Gellert" you kiss him and then apperate to England.

You and Matthew took a walk threw the streets as you talked. You came across Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein,you had never meet her but had heard of her from Queenie
"Good morning, Mr Scamander" you greet him
"Hello again,Miss Holmes" Newt says,blushing slightly. Tina notice's and glares at you,you simple smirk and say
"I don't think we have meet,I'm Sheryl Holmes" you offer a hand
"Poratina Goldstein" she says coldly,ignoring the hand
"Not very friendly" you think
"Your boyfriend?" Tina asks,indicating Matthew
"A family friend,Matthew Taylor" he says to her
"My boyfriend is away on business" you say
"What business?" Tina asks
"Business that's none of your business" you say sarcastically "A pleasure as always Newt" you say to him"I look forward to our next in counter " as you and Matthew walk off,you hear Tina ask Newt
"Who was that woman?"

You told your brother to ask people at the ministry about Caplan,but to do it discretely.
Upon returning to Nurmengard,you could not find Grindelwald anywhere. Neither Abernathy nor Credence knew where he is. Even though you knew he is more than capable of taking care of himself,you still grew worried. You checked the library, the living room and your room,but didn't find him. You finally found him talking to Queenie outside his office.

You all but run to him and pull him straight into a kiss
"I missed you" you tell him after you pull apart
"Really,I never would have guessed" Gellert says sarcastically
"Smart ass" you say
"Don't you mean nice ass" Gellert smirks,and you blush at his choice of words
"And now I'm leaving" Queenie says.
A/n and we all know that Johnny Depp has a nice ass,just check the picture at the top.

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