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You sit and cry onto his body,whilst the followers tried to find Caplan. Eventually pain and blood loss made you pass out.

You wake up,noticing you are back in your shared room with Gellert...even thinking his name hurt,you glance around the room it is empty except for you,your eyes drift to were he used to sleep. Feeling tears come from your eyes,you close them you had only been crying for a few seconds when a very familiar voice says
"Y/n,are you alright?" Your head shoots up at the sound of that voice,you look around and see that it is him...Gellert,he is alive. But how? You did not care.

Before he could move,you throw the covers off you and run over to him and jump into his arms,crying
"You're alive" you say
"Of course I'm...wait did you say alive?" Gellert asks,confused. You pull back to look into his beautiful eyes. You say"You died in my arms,outside" this just confused Gellert even more. He picks you up and takes you back to the bed,you hold onto him,afraid he would disappear on you
"I think you had a nightmare"Gellert says softly
"But it was so real,I felt the pain of the explosion, the wetness of the blood and tears,I could feel the breath leaving you" you say. He pulls you into a tight hug,you could feel his heart beating strongly beside yours.

"We will talk about this properly later in the day,for now my love you need sleep" Gellert informs you. You both climb back into bed,you snuggle as close to him as possible resting your head on his chest,listening to his heart beating
"I love you"
"I love you too"

It didn't take long for you to go back to sleep,knowing Gellert is alive and beside you. Unfortunately though you had the exact same nightmare again,you woke up crying and shaking it might be a dream but it is still so real. You just sat there staring at the wall in front of you,you dared not go back to sleep,over fear of the nightmare.

Gellert woke up and looked out the window to see the sun is coming up,once his eyes adjusted to the light he glanced over to Y/n's side of the bed to find her sitting up and staring blankly at the wall. Her hair is a mess,her eyes are red and puffy from crying and there is new and old tear stains on her face. It broke his heart to see her like this,what ever was in that nightmare really scared her.

You weren't awear that Gellert is awake until you felt strong arms pull you gently back into a strong chest
"Did you sleep?" His voice was soft and gentle
"A little" you tell him,your voice is horse and broken,he turned your head to look at him. The moment you locked eyes with him,you remember the light leaving his beautiful eyes before he died. Fresh tears fell from your sore eyes,Gellert wipes away the tears and kisses you passionately on the lips
"I will do everything within my power to help you over this".

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