1: Percabeth

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Annabeth and Percy walked along the beach, holding hands. The sun was setting over Long Island Sound, creating a very romantic atmosphere.

Percy leaned closer to Annabeth. Thinking he was going to kiss her, she leaned into. Annabeth got a big surprise though, when Percy picked her up bridal style and dumped her in the water.

She surfaced. She was drenched from head to toe and glared at her boyfriend. Percy doubled over on the shore laughing.

"Oh my gods, Percy, you are so dead!" Annabeth spluttered.

Percy jumped in the water with her. He bent down and kissed her. "I know," he said.

A/N: So that's number one, I apologize for the awfulness. Comment your favourite ship and I'll pick one to be in the next chapter, even I don't ship it.

Okay, trivia time. First to answer correctly gets the next chapter dedicated to them.

Where is the first place that Annabeth kissed Percy?

Okay demigods, that's it from me! Byeeeeeee!

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