Chpt. 4

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(Tia's outfit in pic^^)

-Tia's p.o.v.-

I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. I heard my bedroom door open and I looked to see it was Sophie.

"So, you forgive my brother then?" She asks climbing into my bed laying next to me.

"I guess, it was four years ago but I know its not going to be easy" I said with a sigh.

"Look, I know my brother can be really mean, I mean when we were younger he never said he was wrong or that he was sorry for anything even while he was gone for four years. Today was the first time I ever heard him admit he was wrong and said sorry. He really meant it you know?" Sophie explained, I sighed and nodded.

"I know. But I would really like to forget about it" I said.

"Okay, night Tia"

"Night, Soph" I rolled over on my side going to sleep.


"TIA!" My eyes snapped open as I once again fell out of bed.

"Ow" I groaned.

"Seriously? This is the second time in a row!" I said annoyed glaring at Sophie.

"I know because its funny" she said still laughing.

"Whatever" I mumbled crawling back into bed covering up and closing my eyes.

"Oh no you don't" I heard Sophie say. My blankets were ripped off as Sophie grabbed hold of my ankles. I quickly grabbed the metal bars of my headboard as Sophie started to pull on my legs trying to get me out of bed. This usually happens about three times a week so everyone was used to it.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. I tightened my grip.

"Help! Rape! Rape!" I screamed like usual and heard people laugh as they walked by. Great help.

"I'm being kidnapped! Rape!" I yelled more kicking my legs as Soph groaned in frustration.

"C'mon! Damnit!" She grunted as I continued to scream rape. My door busted open with a frantic looking Matthew.

"What?! Where is he? I'll kill him!" Matthew said quickly making me giggle. Big mistake, my grip loosened and Sophie pulled me clean off the bed. I hit the floor with a loud thud on my stomach knocking the wind clean out of me.

"Oh fuck" I gasped in pain, Sophie was laughing uncontrollably and Matthew looked confused. I turned over on my back death glaring Sophie.

"Your going to pay for that!" I yelled making her squeak in fear as she ran out of my room. I quickly got up running after her. She darted down the stairs with me following quickly behind.

"Sophie! Get your ass over here so I can kick it!" I yelled reaching out to grab her shoulders when long strong arms wrapped around my torso picking me up. I struggled to get free as I wiggled my fingers at a smirking Sophie and moving my legs like I was still running but in the air.

"Ha ha" She mocked sticking her tongue out at me. I huffed crossing my arms over my chest and let my legs dangle.

"Your so cute" Matthew said chuckling, I could feel his chest vibrate with each chuckle. I blew a piece of hair out of my face and huffed again.

"Whatever" I mumbled making him chuckle more.

'I swear Sophie, I'll get you back later'  I mind linked her.

'I know'  She mind linked back.

'Why am I up early anyway its Saturday' I asked.

'Wanted to hangout, plus its like 9:30 already' I rolled my eyes at her answer. Matthew let go of my waist and I went to my room. I took a shower and got dressed.

I walked downstairs and started messing around with Asher, Sophie's twin.

"Wanna go bro?" I asked teasingly.

"Hell yeah" he said and flipped me over his shoulder spinning in circles. Matthew let out a growl and Asher quickly dropped me on the couch. I looked at the glare Matthew was giving his little brother scaring him shitless. I started laughing.

"Rogues!" Zack yelled running into the house.

"Shit!" I growled, Sophie and I taking off out the back door.

"Tia, stay inside!" Matthew ordered.


"The war wolves will deal with them" he said clearly not knowing I am a war wolf.

"I know Matthew, I'm a war wolf" I said. I pulled away from his hold and ran forward.

The rogues were in the clearing of the backyard. I jumped shifting midair. My clothes shreded, awe that was my favorite outfit.

I landed on all four paws and snarled at the rogues. You would think I would be small for my height only being 5'5 but my wolf was huge. I towered over all the war wolves, my fur color is a bright gold color with small pearl white patches all over.

I growled threateningly standing tall intimating the rogues. I let out a fierce growl as I snarled at the two very small wolves. One tried to show his boldness and growled at me.

'Kill them'  I said through mind link. Zack, Sophie and Jason attacked them killing them quickly.


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