Chpt. 23

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(Zach in pic ↑)

-Matthews p.o.v.-

'Tia? Tia answer me' I begged when I didn't hear her respond to me. Then a piercing howl sounded through the air. I howled out knowing it was Tia and followed the sound.

After about 15 minutes of running with all the war wolves behind me I caught her scent.

'Okay, Zach, Trent, Adam you guys come with me, everyone else surround the area no one gets in and no one gets out' I said and they all took positions. I shifted into my human form along with Zach, Trent, and Adam.

"Come on, let's go" I said and quietly approached the side window. I glanced inside to see about three big guys in the living room watching TV. I looked around to see if there was a clue where Tia could be.

"Danny, Will your turn" a different guy said walking into the room.

"Alright" the two said each grabbing a gun and knife.

"Make it fast before she wakes up again. She's a feisty one. If she wakes up don't stand too close" the one guy explained.

"Got it" they said walking out of the room. The front door opened and we quickly hid.

I motioned for the guys to follow me as I followed those two guys. They came to a shed opening it. They walked inside and we quietly followed.

They came to a different door and opened it showing about 5 or 6 chambers with rogues in them. We quietly slipped inside behind them as they approached the last chamber.

"Good she's still out" Danny said.

"Alright let's get it over with" Will said as they unlocked the chamber. I snuck up behind Danny and hit the back of his head knocking him over.

"Dude come-who the hell are you guys?" Will asked turning around.

"Someone you don't want to mess with" I said standing up straight showing my dominance.

"Right, get out of here before I call for some back up" he said.

"So, do it because I'm not leaving" I said with a slight shrug. I glanced behind him to see Tia's wolf just laying there with dried blood on her fur and some fresh blood. My blood started to boil of anger.

"What did you do to her?!" I asked yelling at the guy as I rushed past him to my mate.

"Oh, I see your a tree hugger, so caring towards the animals. But there's nothing you can do for her, she's dying already, wolfsbane comes in great handy" he said with a smirk on his face.

"You poisoned her with wolfsbane?!" I yelled.

"That's right" he said.

"When did you poison her?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Hmm about three hours ago this morning and she's got about an hour and half left" he said casually.

"No, no, no Tia if you can hear me you have to fight it" I said.

"Tia? Who's Tia?" He asked.

"Her! You idiot! What have you done!" I yelled grabbing hold of the chain and pulled it apart.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He asked stepping closer.

"Zach! Adam! Hold him. Trent help me carry her out" I ordered. Zach and Adam grabbed hold of Will, while Trent came and helped me pick her up.

We quickly rushed out of the chamber and back outside where Zach and Adam came running after us. Will came running out with Danny following, guess he woke up.

"Stop them!" They yelled and the other hunters came running out of the house.

"Matthew what now?" Zach asked.

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