Chpt. 48

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-Matthews p.o.v.-

"What the hell is going on?!" The blonde yelled.

"You guys should of never came on this land" I said.

"Matthew?" I heard a sleepy Tia ask. I turned my head to see her walk outside with Trent, Adam and Kyle following.

"Nice job" I said sarcastically to them.

"We tried but she used Luna against us" the defended. So now she uses Luna.

"Baby you need to go back inside" I said softly walking over to her.

"But why? And why is everyone going back inside?" She asked looking around.

"Bad weather coming" I said trying to lie.

"You're a really bad liar Matthew" she said fully awoke now.

"Rogues have entered out land ambushing us" I said caving.

"What?!" She asked.

"Hey, calm down I got this uncontrol, you just rest" I said turning her around.

"I miss being out there" she mumbled.

"I know baby, but doctors orders can't put the babies in danger" I said.

"I know" she said slowly walking back towards the back door.

"Now you four, get inside and stay inside till I say otherwise" I said.

"Matthew!" Tia yelled pointing behind me. I turned to see a rogues slowly approaching us.

"Get inside now!" I yelled running forward and shifting midstep. I heard screaming and knew it came from the two human girls.

"He just! How did he!" I tuned them out as I fought the rogue. I snapped my teeth at it.

He blocked my paw biting my leg, I growled out and bit its tail hard. I stood on my back legs blocking their attack. I lunged at them but in their kneck and locking my jaw. He struggled to get free as he was slowly dying. I moved my head side to side till he went limp dead.

As he died his body shifted back to human. I stared at the body sadly. Jason.

'Sir all the rogues have been killed' Zach said.

'Good, stay out there in case more show' I said.

'Yes alpha'

I shifted back pulling on some different shorts. I sighed sadly. I knew he was angry when I banned him. But to ambush the pack? Now he's dead.

"Oh my gosh is that who I think it is?" Tia asked coming back outside and I nodded.

"It was Jason"

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