Chpt. 7

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(Tia's outfit in pic^^)

-Tia's p.o.v.--2 days later-

For the past few days I've been avoiding Matthew at all casts. It hasn't been hard at all with him having to train with becoming alpha and all.

Today, Sophie and I are graduating. I'm so excited! I'm just glad to be done with school.

"Tia! Are you ready?!" My mom called up to me.

"Yea! I'll be down in a second!" I called back taking one last look at my outfit.

I rushed down the stairs and my mother smiled at me.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"He's already there with Sophie, her dad, Asher and Matthew" my mom said and I groaned.

"Matthew's going to be there?" I asked as she ushered me out the door.

"Oh, my robe and cap" I said turning and pointing behind her.

"I got it, get in the car" she said. I rushed to the car and got in the passenger side. My mom rushed out of the house getting in the drivers side putting my robe and cap in the back.

"And of course Matthew is going to be there, he's Sophie's brother" my mom said, and my mate, I thought.

"Speaking of Matthew, what's been going on with you two?" She asked and my cheeks started to burn as I looked away out the window.

"Nothing" I said and she slightly laughed.

"Its not nothing sweetie I can hear your pulse go up at the mention of his name" she said and smiled at me when I glanced at her.

"Mom can you please just drop it?" I asked hopeful.

"No can do sweetie. But seriously what's been going on?" She asked.

"Talk about bomb barding me in the car" I mumbled under my breath.

"I heard that" she said and I stifled a laugh.

"Seriously though Tia" my mom said.

"I don't know what your talking about" I lied.

"Oh come on, I see the way he looks at you, how you guys were starting to get close but now all your doing is avoiding him. I ask the others but they say you have to tell me" she explained. I mentally groaned.

"Matthew-" I was cut off as my mom suddenly pressed the breaks of the car quickly as an on coming car ran a red light and was heading straight for us.

"MOM!" I screamed as the other car collided with our car. The impact was so loud my ears started ringing.

I could hear shattering glass and metal bending. My screaming was cut short as another car collided on my side of the car. I gasped as I felt a lot of pain in my side and knew my ribs were broken.

All I could hear were car horns, my raggid breathing, sirens and the ringing in my ears.

I hazily looked around, there was glass everywhere. My mom was unconscious with her head against the steering wheel. Her head was bleeding badly. I lazily lifted my hand up to her shoulder and shook her with the energy I had left.

"Mom, please, wake up" I said my voice soft. An intense pain shot through my body and that's when I felt the warm liquid on my stomach.

I looked down and saw my shirt cut up and a large piece of metal from the first car that hit us was stickly out of my stomach. Blood was gushing out of the wound, I started breathing heavy, like gasping. I shakedly placed my hands around the metal applying pressure to try to contain the bleeding.

'Starlight, what do I do?'  I asked.

'Just hang in there, the wounds are too deep and bad I can't heal us' she said back. I felt panic wash over me.

All that was going through my head was, I wish Matthew was here as paramedics and firefighters rushed over to the car.


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