Vol.7 Ch.10: Troublesome Pair

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A day has passed since Yuel and Kai had their little feud. Yuel had more than enough time to reflect on his words. After learning a little about Kai's past from Vincent, it was clear where Yuel went wrong.

Question is, did I use that specific phrase on purpose? Yuel smiled awkwardly. He couldn't say for sure what was his thought process at the time.

Most likely, he had a rough idea that Kai will hate being called a "spoiled princess" so he chose jab at her with that. Kai was acting extremely stubborn and selfish at the time so he wanted to pay her back for all the trouble she was giving him. Therefore, of all things to say, he naturally picked the one he felt would hit her at least a little. He didn't even actively think about it. It came naturally.

Is that what Vincent calls the Mystic Eyes of Weakness Perception? Yuel sighed. Apparently, he was a natural at rubbing people the wrong way. That was probably why he never managed to get on good terms with Julia. Sigh.

Either way, he should just apologize to Kai and get this over with. Intentional or not, Yuel said something he shouldn't have and learned his lesson.

It was best to sort things out before club activity. Therefore, Yuel called Kai for a talk during lunch break.

"Alright," Kai left her chair without any objections and without asking anything. It almost felt like she was prepared for this.

Is this a good sign or a bad one? Yuel knotted his brows.

Kai showed him to an isolated area in the school's backyard. It was a good place to hold that kind of conversation without any prying eyes.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Yuel said. "I didn't mean to imply anything special by what I called you yesterday. It was just me expressing my dissatisfaction with some aspects of your playstyle. Aside from these few specific things, I do think you're a solid player overall."

"It's alright," Kai glanced away. "I figured later you probably didn't mean to say I'm bad because I'm a girl."

"Players can be good or bad regardless of gender," Yuel stated. "All that matters is how they perform."

"Fair enough."

"Then, we're good?"

"Sure," Kai said. "But, you're still going to insist that Lars is better than me and should be the Carry, right?"

"........." Yuel frowned. It felt like he was about to step on a mine. "... yes, I still hold that opinion. Not because he's a boy or anything. I just believe he's better suited for being a Carry. On the other hand, you fit Mid like a glove."

"But, I'm going to continue playing Carry," Kai stated matter-of-factly.

For now. Yuel retorted in his mind. Once the team faces strong opponents and hits a wall, Kai will surely agree that Lars should be the one to carry the team.

"Do you want to play Support for me?" Kai asked.

"Eh?" Yuel blinked for a moment. "Come again?"

"Are you deaf or something?" Kai awkwardly shifted her eyes away. "I asked if you want to play Support with me as the Carry. I'll be honest, I don't care for your bossy attitude. But, you're good at what you're doing."

At first, Kai thought Vincent was clowning as usual when he was raving about Yuel and Lars. However, after playing with Yuel as a duo, it became clear where Vincent was coming from.

Yuel had a level of dedication to his craft the likes of which Kai has never seen before. Not to insult or anything, but Vincent couldn't play Support on such a high level. In fact, none of the other Supports she ever played with even came close to the level at Yuel organized plays. It's like he saw the game as a chessboard and aligned the pieces just right to gain the upper hand.

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