Vol.9 Ch.1: Upgraded Training Regime

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"You guys practice after school, right?" Kai asked.

"Yep, we sure do," Lars gave a thumbs up. "Every day, all day!"

"Huh. So, hm..." Kai's eyes shifted from side to side as she was trying to weave the right words. "I was thinking............"


"Maybe I should... Well, maybe I should join you too."

"You wanna join da special training?" Lars flashed his teeth. "No problem! The more, the marrier, right?"

"It's fine by me," Yuel said. "But, there is one condition: Lars and I will be playing Bot. We use our after-school practice for these roles, seeing as we barely get to play them at the club."

"Huh, well," Kai crossed her arms. Well shoot, that was a direct blow to her motivation. She was the team's Carry, so she had to practice that role as much as possible. No matter how much Yuel and Lars were going to beg, she won't surrender the most important role to them.

With that said, she clearly needed more practice. The 3v3 against the high-schooler showed she still had glaring issues to work on. Namely, her inability to cooperate with her teammates. It was embarrassing to admit, but her teamwork was stuck at Silver rank.

Actually, it should be at least Gold rank. Kai forced herself to believe that. But, she didn't sound very convincing even inside her own head. Well, with her experience, it was no wonder her teamwork skills barely developed.

After playing with so many disappointing teammates online, it became second nature for her to handle everything herself. In fact, even this very club was filled with a bunch of useless scrubs in the past two years. Those guys made it in only because they somehow reached a decent rank by the time they applied to the club, but that only bloated their egos and made them think they were some hot shit. Spoiler: they weren't.

Thankfully, all of them graduated by now, and the club was left with mostly decent players. Even though it was to jab Vincent about things and complain about his performance, Vincent was actually a decent player. And so was Ben, if they ignore the unfortunate circumstances that made him regularly miss club activities.

Luke was the only questionable player due to his memeing, but he was also a solid player at his core. The skill was definitely somewhere deep down there, buried under a pile of memes and bad jokes. Probably.

With these players in the club, Kai developed a little faith in her teammates over the past year. But, it was far from enough. When push came to shove, she forgot about her allies and placed all the work on her own shoulders.

It reminded her of how these pesky team projects at school always went down. Kai always made sure to recruit only serious teammates whom she trusted to handle the work. Yet, she always somehow found herself doing 90% of the project by herself. That was plain dumb.

With that said, deep down, she actually didn't mind it much. After all, the more control she had over the project, the easier it was to guarantee a high grade. There's no way she could entrust the quality of the project to others. She needed as much control as possible to not get screwed by a bad grade.

For the better and the worse, the same mentality carried over to Classmancers. In order to secure victory, she didn't mind taking a larger load upon herself. Doing so gave her more control over the development of the match, as well as guaranteed that whoever handled the most important task was a capable player. Namely, her.

That's why she insisted to play Carry. It was in charge of the most important task in the game: carrying the team to victory. Without a strong Carry, the team was bound to get stuck no matter how well everybody else played. She has suffered through enough Carry teammates who were suicidal dumbasses. The stupidity of these guys cost the game to the entire team. So dumb.

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