Vol.8 Ch.7: The One Who Delivers Surprises Hates Being Surprised

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"Phew. Safe." Nia took a deep breath upon returning to base. These few seconds of recalling were the longest moment of her life. "That was scary."

"Nice escape," Yuel said. "Though, you took a big gamble there."

"He didn't find me so I won," Nia said. This was a common technique she employed during hide-and-seek when she didn't feel like going far. Instead of hiding in some desolate spot, she just snuck around the "it" and touched the home base once the "it" stepped away. She only stopped doing it because some kids kept complaining about how cheap it was. Though, she still resorted to that strategy from time to time because it was funny. It's like she was a ninja. Nin nin.

"Besides," Nia pouted. "I wouldn't have to take any 'gambles' if I didn't gank that lane in the first place. I didn't even get a kill. I knew it was a bad idea."

"It turned out a little different from how I imagined it but it wasn't a bad idea."

"How come? I got nothing there, not even a kill. Nothing. Only almost got killed."

"That's not true," Yuel insisted. "You reduced the Dark Knight to critical health. He can't keep farming like this so he has to return to base. That's a huge deal. Not only it'll let the Knight push now, but it also sets the Dark Knight back. Every second of farming the Dark Knight loses will hurt him dearly in the near future."

"Sounds like shilling," Nia gave him a look. "There wasn't anything impressive like that"

"Very well," Yuel smiled meaningfully. "Perhaps you can't see the bigger picture at the moment. But, in time, you'll come to understand the importance of this gank. Even now, look at the Knight pushing the lane hard."

While Nia was busy ganking the Dark Knight and running away, the Knight recalled to base, healed up and now returned to the lane. There was no lane opponent to contest him, so he pushed full gas. His minions had superior defense thanks to his passive, so most of them survived the clash against the enemy wave, and they all advanced together toward the enemy Turret.

And, this was the only beginning. Perhaps Nia couldn't see the ripple effect this will cause but taking lane advantage was huge against a lane bully. Dark Knight's entire purpose in life was to dominate the lane in order to get ahead and now Nia robbed him of that higher ground.

"Meanwhile, the Pyro is doing whatever he wants in Mid," Nia ranted on her way to defend her lane. "Byebye my lane advantage."

While she was amiss, the Pyromancer returned to lane and pushed hard. Thanks to that, she lost all the lane advantage she built earlier. At least, that's how she saw it.

It was a trade, not a loss. Yuel reasoned. Following his instructions, Nia traded her lane advantage for an opportunity to rotate to Top and slow down the Dark Knight. It was like an exchange of resources: she traded one pile of lane advantage for one free rotation.

In the greater scheme of things, this rotation will reap greater benefits for the team than holding onto a short-lived early-game lane advantage. However, with a newbie's limited ability to see the greater picture, Nia couldn't grasp how this exchange worked.

"I'm not doing that again even if you ask," Nia pouted.

Grumpy much? Yuel smiled wryly. "If you want to win against a team that has a Dark Knight, you will gank him as neccessary. Look how much the Knight managed to push thanks to your gank."

"Hm, I guess he did some work," Nia twisted her lips. The Knight brought the enemy Turret down to 60% before the Dark Knight returned. This progress was only possible because Nia drew away the Dark Knight.

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