Vol.8 Ch.26: The Hopeless Gank

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While the Lumimancer was busy shooting the lion blocking her escape, Aron snuck up to her.

"I can hear him creeping up to me," Kai said. Cold sweat ran down her forehead. A Grim Reaper in a lion's skin was coming after her.

"Just keep shooting," Yuel distanced himself from the lion and ran in the opposite direction. "I'll stop him."

"Oh?" Aron smiled meaningfully. So, Yuel was going to intercept, that's sharp decision-making. Well, except for the fact Yuel signed up for this hopeless gank in the first place. Aside from that glaring flaw, the rest of Yuel's decisions have been up to par so far. Truly, it was mind-boggling. Yuel both committed a terrible mistake but also made many smart decisions from there onward.

"Do you need help over there?" Alex asked.

"Hrm," Aron frowned. "That could help, but save it for later. My ult is still up, so I can handle this myself." Time to remind Yuel whose domain he invaded.

Aron was heading toward Kai at first, but he switched targets the moment Yuel entered the scene. Now, he was going straight after the cocky invader!

Me!? Yuel flinched. A flurry of sharp claws fired at him! Each slash was swift and powerful, such was the strength of the king in his domain. Stat-wise, Yuel and Aron were supposed to be on equal ground. However, inside The King's Dominion, Yuel was like a mouse challenging a lion.

On top of that, Aron was a better duelist than Yuel, so skill won't save him either. Nevertheless, Yuel had to stand his ground. He had to keep shielding Kai to help her get out of this predicament.

"We can get out now!" Kai announced. Finally, the needlessly tanky lion they've been attacking decided to kick the bucket. They penetrated a hole in the barricade! Time for a breakout!

Tch, so persistent. Aron clicked his tongue. He didn't expect the enemy to pave an escape path so quickly. Even though the situation should've been a total dead-end for them, these two kept pushing forward as far as they could.

In fact, with this achievement, they successfully shook Aron's confidence. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance he won't be able to kill the Lumimancer by himself. These two cracked a hole in his absolute domain.

However, all their hard work only proved the futility of it all. Yuel worked so hard just to keep the Lumimancer out of Aron's claws, but that's all he achieved. Unfortunately for him, Aron wasn't the only threat on the lane.

"Change of plans," Aron addressed Alex. "You take out the girl. I'll handle Yuel."

"Works for me," Alex nodded. "I'm already in position to shoot whoever comes out."

"Good," Aron approved. There was no need for him to worry about the girl anymore. It turned into a real 1v1 between him and Yuel.

Too bad, but this is the end of your little rescue operation. Aron unleashed Mighty Roar in Yuel's face. The difference in their HP percentages wasn't high enough yet to inflict fear, but the roar properly stole stats from Yuel and transferred them to Aron.

Aron's stats were already superior thanks to The King's Dominion, and now he got even stronger. Meanwhile, Yuel only became weaker. This won't even be a fight, it'll be an execution. Aron, the king of this domain, shall execute the fool who dared to invade his territory.

Is he going all out against me!? Yuel jerked. This wasn't supposed to happen! Aron's goal was supposed to be Kai, not Yuel. Is he going to let her go? No, that's not like Aron. He'd never let his prey escape like that. Then, what is- ugh!

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