Vol.8 Ch.14: Pulling up the Weak

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After officially joining the club, Nia had to register her "golden nickname" in the game. However...

『This name is already in use』

"Hm?" Nia titled her head. "Somebody stole my name?"

"Looks like it," Kai said, "You'll have to come up with a new one."

"But, I like BlackFlower..." Nia sulked.

"If you're in need of nickname suggestions, I got plenty to spare!" Vincent said. "For starters, how about Vanishing Phantom?"

"Hmm, I dunnoץ" Nia twisted her lips. "Ah, how about Vanishing Flower?"

『This name is available』

"Ok, I'll take it then," Nia said.

"You really like having 'flower' in your name, huh," Kai said.

"Flowers are nice," Nia smiled softly. "They're all quiet and chill fellows."

"Huh," Kai wasn't sure what to make of it so she just let that comment slide.

And so, Nia became an official member of Stratus through and through. She got her golden name and attended club practice.

"You should take this opportunity to rotate to Top," Yuel lectured during a match. "When the enemy laner is dead but our laner isn't there to take advantage of the situation, it's often a good idea to rotate there and push the lane yourself."

"Oh, smart," Nia nodded and followed the instructions. She rotated to the undefended Top Lane and pushed the enemy tower along with allied minions.

『An enemy Turret has been destroyed!』

"Good job," Yuel nodded. "What do you plan to do next?"

"Hmm, return to the jungle and farm?"

"Is that your favorite pastime or something?" Yuel smiled wryly. "Now is a good time to gank Mid. Their Lancer will most likely rotate to defend Top, so it's a great chance to force a 2v1 situation in Mid."

"Oh, I see," Nia nodded and ganked Mid.

『An enemy has been killed!』

With some help from Lars, Nia dealt the killing blow on the enemy Sorcerer and got the kill.

This is going well. Too well, even. Nia never had a MOBA match that went so smoothly. She delivered one play after another and everything just clicked. Just by following Yuel's advice, she dictated the entire momentum of the match.

"That's the kind of power Junglers have," Yuel lectured. "Depending on your decisions, the entire flow of the match might change. So, you have to make sure you learn from all these examples."

"Can't I always just ask you for advice? That's easier."

"Sorry, but that won't fly in a serious match. I won't have the time to tell you every little thing."

"Tch, bummer. What an unreliable app." Nia pouted.

"That's why you have to learn to do all of this on your own," Yuel said. "If you want to keep practicing after club hours, you can drop by my place after school so we keep playing."

"I'll think about it."

A polite decline. I see. Yuel sighed. He has been spending most of his club time on coaching Nia, with the intent of turning her into a full-fledged Jungler. However, she still had a lot to learn. If she doesn't start practicing past school hours, she might not be ready in time to participate in the upcoming scrimmages. That'll be a huge waste of practical experience.

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