Vol.7 Ch.25: The Monk vs. Orc Matchup

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After Nia finished "recharging" by stuffing herself with chocolates, her MOBA exam began. It was agreed she'll play Jungler because, according to her, it was her best role.

"You should sit closer," Yuel said. "It'll be hard to communicate when you're all the way out there."

"I like it here," Nia curled into a ball on her chair. Instead of sitting in the center of the room with everybody else, she remained tucked way in her favorite corner.

"Give her a break," Kai said. "Do you have to nitpick everything? Just let her play the way she wants. She can still hear us from here just fine."

"Fine," Yuel sighed in defeat. It felt like every comment he made today just painted him as a villain. Maybe he should lie low for a while and silently observe Nia's performance.

"Got any classes you prefer?" Kai asked.

"Um, Rogue?"

"Oh! Atta girl!" Luke gave a thumbs up. "A fitting Jungler sub for me, no question."

"Let's not do that," Yuel couldn't hold it in. "Please."

"This time, I gotta agree," Kai nodded. "Rogue is a little weak right now."

"Oh, right" Nia checked something on her phone. "I think it was considered low tier in MOBA?"

Wow, imagine not knowing that. Yuel couldn't believe what he just heard. If there's one thing everybody and their mom knew about the current tier list, it'd be Rogue's rough placing on the tier list. Virtually every player went through the experience of getting stomped by a Rogue at low levels and thinking it was OP at first, only to later realize it was actually pretty easy to deal with.

Then again, Nia didn't even play Ranked yet. She was still stuck in the qualifier of the MOBA mode. so maybe that lack of knowledge was reasonable. Somewhat.

"Looks like it's really bad. Then..." Nia flipped through something on her phone. "Ninja is okay, right?"

"Yeah, much better," Kai approved.

"If we go for Ninja, we better pick it last during drafting," Yuel advised. "That'll hamper the enemy's ability to counter it. Ninja isn't the kind of class that'll be banned unless somebody on the other team got a very specific beef with it so we can safely pick it last."

"That's surprisingly considerate for you," Kai said.

"Why, thank you," Yuel forced a smile. This felt like cold war. It wasn't like he and Kai were fighting per se, but it felt like Kai would jump on every little opportunity to call him out. When did Yuel become the villain here? All he was trying to do was host a proper exam. Sigh.

They couldn't queue into Ranked as a team because Nia was still stuck in the qualifier, so they went for Casual mode instead. However, Yuel insisted for it to be a Casual match with drafting because clashing with a random unknown team was far from fun or interesting.

Draft Casual was essentially the same as Ranked, just didn't have the pressure of losing rank points from losing. Many players liked chilling in this mode when they weren't in the mood for some serious grinding. Therefore, it was very much possible to run into a couple of high-level players in this "Casual" mode.

It took the system a while to match them with somebody but it ultimately did. The drafting phase began.

The enemy's first pick was Viking, most likely for Top. Viking was also a common Jungler pick but most people picked it for Top, especially when it was an early pick. So, Viking will most likely be Yuel's lane opponent.

The counter pick Yuel went for was Monk. It had the ability to escape from clutch situations by becoming temporarily invincible, so Yuel will be able to get away if the Viking gets too close. In addition, it could attack minions from afar with Chakra Bullet so that'll give him lane advantage while farming.

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