Vol.5 Ch.20: Shot-Caller's Fatigue

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The decisive final match was transitioning into the late-game. At this point, Seraph's full potential was already unlocked. Six Wings of Holiness finally allowed Lars to fire all six shots in a row and his finished build provided much-needed power to each of his shots. As a result, he demolished objectives in an instant.

『An enemy Turret has been destroyed!』

"Woohoo!" Lars exclaimed. "Let's go, my dudes!"

"Good job," Yuel nodded in approval. That's the second turret down, so the enemy only had Top Turret left. But, that's not for long. No objective lasted in front of Seraph's overwhelming push potential.

『An enemy Turret has been destroyed!』

"Triple Turret Kill, yo!" Lars pumped a fist. He destroyed the Top Turret shortly after destroying the Bot Turret even though the two turrets were a whole map apart from each other. By using his ult, Divine Messenger, he quickly flew from one side of the map to another and split-pushed.

"Okay, we got this, my dudes!"

"Don't let your guard down," Yuel said that, but he couldn't deny he was also getting excited. This was the late-game, a phase that was supposed to be Howard's dominion. And yet, Yuel's team was winning! They were beating Howard in his own playground!

Howard perfectly predicted Lars's rotation toward Top Lane and even got there in time to defend, but he was powerless against Seraph's onslaught. With Lars's skill and Seraph's high DPS, the team destroyed Howard's tight defense through sheer strength!

However, Lars wasn't the only one putting on a strong show.

『An enemy has been killed!』

"Haha! Die, dumbass!" Julia caught Gregory off-guard in the middle of his rotation and wiped him out. Her plays were rough and reckless, but also strong and overwhelming. Since Roi and Dan have been slipping up this match, Julia became one of the top-performing players on the team, second only to the great goof himself.

Yuel considered having a talk with Roi and Dan, but he ultimately decided against it. The team had momentum right now, so he didn't want to ruin it by creating discord in the team.

It didn't seem like Roi and Dan were doing any of that on purpose because they overall performed fine. They only goofed during critical moments, so maybe the pressure was getting to them. Yuel had no idea what he could possibly do to alleviate their stress, but criticizing them definitely didn't sound like the solution.

It was unclear why experienced players like them would crack under pressure during a match in which they didn't have personal stakes, but Yuel didn't have the luxury to investigate. He just had to accept the fact he couldn't 100% rely on these two to do their job every time, so Lars and Julia had to lead the team. Two aggressive beasts were more than enough at the moment.

But, things were only getting harder. The deeper Yuel's team pushed the enemy, the easier it was for the enemy to defend their objectives. The lanes curved inwards toward the enemy base, so the enemy Golems were positioned much closer to each other than the Turrets. Therefore, it took less time for the defenders to rotate between the Golems.

"Lars," Yuel called. "Switch to Bot."

"Got it, dude!" Lars stopped pushing Top Golem against and rotated all the way to Bot Lane through the jungle. The same way the defenders had an easier time traveling from one Golem to another, the same applied to the attackers.

One moment, Lars was pushing Top Golem. The next moment, he was already all the way down in Bot-

"Oh, snap!" Lars exclaimed. "There's an ice wall!" Just as he was about to enter Bot through the jungle, an ice wall formed in front of him and covered the entire passage.

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