Vol.8 Ch.28: Dragging the Turtle out of His Shell

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Aron and Alex successfully killed the enemy Lumimancer, as well as injured the Viking enough to make him recall. The horizon was clear.

"That was easy," Alex said.

"It sure was," Aron nodded. "I'm still confused about the point behind that rescue attempt."

"He tried to save the Lumi, duh."

"Obviously, that was the goal. But, Yuel should know better than going for such a hopeless gank. There was no chance of saving the Lumimancer in that situation."

"I agree, his chances were bleak," Alex nodded. "But, it probably looked doable for most people."

"Except, Yuel isn't 'most people'," Aron frowned. "He should've known that this play won't fly against me. I was expecting a twist, but there was none. It was a plain misplay."

"Are you sure you're not giving the guy too much credit? He's only in second year, right?"

"Yes, but even as a freshman, his judgment has always been exceptional. This is very much unlike him. It's almost as if his decision was..." Fueled by something other than rational reasoning.

Aron didn't dare to voice that thought out loud. That wasn't the Yuel he knew. As a shot-caller, Yuel's strongest quality was his ability to always think rationally and use objective judgments. So, he couldn't have possibly regressed into the type of player who made emotional decisions out of sheer optimism. Because, if so, he wouldn't be Yuel anymore.

"You're sure making a big deal out of it," Alex shrugged. "You know, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Maybe he misjudged the situation in the heat of the moment. He had to react fast, so he made a hasty decision."

"I suppose that's possible."

"Besides, he nearly got the Lumi out. I'm not so sure you would've confirmed the kill on your own back there."

"I would have gotten the job done if I focused the Lumi," Aron objected. "But, it was easier to leave her to you. No point pushing myself and risking a misplay."

"Either way, you agree that, without me in the picture, there was a slight chance of them getting away, right? Maybe that's what he was counting on."

"It was obvious to everybody that you'll get involved in that situation," Aron argued. "Yuel wouldn't miss something so obvious."

"Maybe he gambled on the chance I won't make it?"

"Perhaps," Aron sighed. "Anyway, we're getting nowhere so let's move on."

"Agreed," Alex nodded. With the Lumimancer out of the picture and the Viking back at the base, the Top Turret was there for the taking. "So, we're taking the Turret with the next wave, right?"

"You take it," Aron turned his back and strode toward the jungle. "I'll use this opportunity to gank Bot."

"Wait, I'm not sure I can take the Turret alone," Alex said. "The Viking might return to defend."

"No big deal. You'll take the Turret sooner or later. We're in no hurry."

"True, but pushing alone makes it awkward. I don't have any escape tools, remember? And, I spent my Blink too. So, I'll have to constantly watch out for potential ganks. Not fun."

"Just play safe like you always do and you'll be fine."

"What a drag," Alex sighed. He was hoping to score the Turret now and have an easy ride on the lane from there onward, but Aron didn't care for realizing this utopia. Oh well. "So, I guess that Elf player is such a big deal?"

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