Vol.5 Ch.16: Fast Shot Mixups

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"I told you," Howard scolded Ellen. "Your baits are pushing it at this point. You should've quit before it came to this."

"Yep, my bad," Ellen admitted. The fact that Julia came to Lars's help was already bad enough, but on top of that, Yuel also intercepted Ellen. This entire play might turn into a huge disaster.

"But," Ellen shrugged. "No need to worry about me. I mean, it's just Yuyu, right? I can dodge his stuff."

"I really hope so."

"Just watch me~" Ellen continued along her planned escape route, pretending that Yuel was just empty air. "Mr. Genius" over there was smart, but not skilled. Even though Yuel beautifully predicted Ellen's route, he lacked the means to finish her off.

Oopsy-daisy. Ellen rolled aside right as a gray raincloud formed over her head. It was only natural for an Aquamancer to begin the assault with Rainfall due to its slowdown effect, so Ellen was prepared. How predictable, Yuyu~ You can't hit me even if you take five years aim- aya?

A splash of water hit Ellen. Eh? What? Where did that shot come from? Like, it was a water attack, so it obviously had to be from Aquamancer, but...

E-Excuse me!? Ellen roared internally. That was a hella fast follow-up! No, wait. That gotta be a fluke, right?

Ellen recovered the roll and continued running. Another shot came flying her way, but she easily maneuvered around it.

There we go. Ellen nodded. That's the slow and steady Yuel-quality shots I know- kya!? Another ball of water struck her right after she dodged the first! How!? Yuel never fired this quickly! Didn't he need time to adjust his aim because he wasn't mechanically skilled!? This felt like cheating.

"I, I may be in a tiny bit of trouble here..." Ellen squeezed out.

"Yeah, I noticed," Howard said. "I'll try to get you out. Just don't die too quickly."

"I really don't get it," Ellen twisted her lips. "When did Yuyu learn to shoot like this?"

A slow, steady shot. Yuel took careful aim and fired. The aim was pinpoint, but it took him too long to prepare, so Ellen dodged without trouble. So, right afterward, he followed up with a fast improvised shot. It hit! Ellen failed to react in time. It actually worked!

Ever since Ignis completely shut down Yuel's shots during their 1v1, he has been practicing the idea of shooting faster with reduced accuracy. The first shot was his usual type: slow and steady. However, the follow-up was fast and instant. That second shot was much harder to land properly, but it was also much harder for the enemy to dodge!

At first, Yuel had a terrible aim with these quick shots. That came as no surprise, considering he was the type who couldn't make a single proper pass in soccer.

However, through repeated practice and some vague advice from Lars, he improved leaps and bounds. To take the idea to the next level, he combined his prediction ability with this shot. By predicting how the enemy will dodge his first shot, he cut the time required for aiming the second shot.

Even though there was barely any time to adjust the aim of the second shot, Yuel created a mental image of the future aiming he'd have to do and he did that before even firing the first shot! Thanks to that, his accuracy skyrocketed and he started landing quick shots. At least, most of the time...

Oh, he missed. Ellen blinked. These surprise quick shots have been on point so far, but this one just totally went in the opposite direction. Hmhm, interesting.

Yuyu seems to have learned a new trick. I'm so happy for him~! Ellen smiled meaningfully. But, looks like it's not polished yet. Say, what if I do something like this?

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