Vol.3 Ch.20: Outcast Seniors

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From the audience, the competitive stage looked completely different. It was gigantic, stretching across the whole stadium as if to declare dominance. The lights were dazzling, turning the stage into a majestic entity. It was a privilege for commoners to gaze upon it.

It's hard to believe that, until recently, Alex also played on that grand stage. He had been looking down on it this whole time, thinking it's lame because it's the second string. Only now that he was kicked off the stage and had to sit among the commoners, he finally appreciated the huge opportunity he was given.

How stupid. It didn't matter whether this was a second string match or a tournament match. Both teams were strong and the competition was fierce. The stage was filled with high-level plays and brilliance. Some visitors from the center even stopped by to watch the match. Yes, to watch this middle school second string match.

Alex should have done more. He should have tried harder. Even though it was just a spot on the second string he should have held onto it with all his strength, so he could keep playing on this majestic stage.

If only he tried a little harder from the beginning, he could have prevented this 1-4 score. Heck, he could have led the team to victory... Okay, maybe that's wishful thinking. But at least, he wouldn't have dragged them down to oblivion.

Alas, he messed up. Big time. He spat at the opportunity Coach gave him. And now he was down here in the audience, while the rest of his team was up there on the grand stage. Jennifer reigned as everybody's beloved queen, whereas Alex was a hated beggar.

It felt like shit. All of it. But, too late for regrets. Everything was his fault, so right now this hall of commoners fit him perfectly.

Alex took a sip of his apple juice, took a deep breath and walked to the seats tucked away at the very back. It should be hard enough to spot him here. Good.

"Oh." Alex stopped in his tracks. There was already a guy sitting in the back row, glued to a wall like some criminal hiding from the law. Hm? He looked kinda familiar...

What's even more interesting was this fellow's soggy appearance. He was wet. Like, thoroughly soaked. From his hair and down to his shirt. Did he take a shower or something? There were actually shower rooms in ProCenter if memory served.

"Yo," The guy waved. "Freezer, right?"

"Yeah..." Alex nodded slowly. So, it wasn't just his imagination. He knew this shower guy from somewhere. But, based on that reluctant greeting, they weren't particularly familiar. Where did Alex meet this guy? And, why was the guy soaked inside the hall? Alex simply couldn't comprehend.

"Oh, this?" The guy pointed at his wet hair. "Just a fashion statement, haha. Don't worry about it."

"Huh." Alex knotted his eyebrows. That's some revolutionary modern fashion right there. Anyway, it's best to keep a distance from this guy.

"Whoa, sitting so far away? Cold." The guy made a face.

"Do I know you?" Alex finally asked, since guy's overfamiliar attitude starting irking.

"Hey. C'mon, man. We've been playing each other the whole day, ya know."

"Oh," It finally hit him. Somebody who played on the stage today and got subbed out. Yes, there was another poor fellow like that beside Alex. "WildDragon, right?"

"Yep, I knew there's no way you forgot. I'm known for leaving an impression, haha."

Yeah, the impression of a chatty idiot who's all talk and no skill. Alex nodded, which the other guy apparently interpreted as a friendly gesture.

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