Vol.7 Ch.3: The Support's Role in Bottom Lane

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Despite Yuel and Kai's clunky cooperation during their first offense, they successfully took out the enemy Pirate. That was a huge early achievement and a First Blood to boot. It created a solid momentum for the team.

With the Pirate out of the picture, they shifted their focus toward the remaining enemy on the lane: the Lumimancer. It was a 2v1 situation, so Yuel and Kai could go for another aggressive play here. Unfortunately, the Lumimancer blinked away with Flash before Yuel could initiate anything. What a shame.

This guy seems very cautious. Perhaps overly cautious. Yuel took a mental note. Back when Kai attacked the Pirate, the Lumimancer didn't even try stepping in to rescue his partner. And now, with his partner dead, the Lumimcancer immediately retreated all the way back to his Turret. There was no doubt he was the defensive type.

Not getting involved against Kai's assault might have been a smart choice because Lumimancer didn't have any good tools from rescuing the Pirate from the situation. However, if he truly valued his Carry, he should've at least interfered with Blinding Light or Ray of Light before blinking away.

Judging by Kai's skill, such interference most likely wouldn't have fazed her. However, the Lumimancer couldn't have possibly known that. He should have at least tried.

Therefore, this Luminancer was either a scaredy-cat or not so experienced. He'll probably be one of the weak spots of the enemy team. To test his theory further, Yuel wanted to push hard.

During the next minion wave, Yuel's side held an overwhelming advantage thanks to Kai's clearing speed. The Lumimancer couldn't contest her on his own, especially not with a defensive Support build. So, Kai won the lane with ease.

"Let's push the Turret," Yuel suggested.

"Huh?" Kai gave him a look. "It's dangerous."

"A little, but probably not too much."

"The Lumi is still there, though."

"Yeah, but think about it: what kind of scary thing a Lumimancer can really pull?"

"Um, well," Kai cocked her head. "There's not much, huh."

"Exactly. Also, I got a feeling he'll not dare to fight us."

"A feeling?" Kai raised an eyebrow. "Are you a mind reader?"

"It's just a theory based on circumstantial evidence. Looking at how he's been playing so far, he seems to have a very defensive playstyle."

"How do you figure?"

Here we go again with questioning. Yuel sighed. Every single time he played with somebody new, he had to justify himself. He has already convinced Luke and Vincent to trust his observations but Kai was a new challenge. Well, I didn't many opportunities to convince her before so I better start doing that now.

"Remember how that Lumiancer didn't help out the Pirate?" Yuel asked.

"Yesh, I guess he didn't do much back then," Kai sounded indifferent. They clearly weren't on the same page regarding what that piece of evidence implied.

"It was more than just 'not doing much'. He maintained distance the whole time and retreated as soon as we took out the Pirate."

"You mean, as soon as I took down the Pirate."

"Sure. Anyway, it implies that Lumimancer doesn't like stepping to the frontline unless he's forced to."

"Sounds like jumping to conclusions to me," Kai shrugged. "You've seen him play like that just once and you're already talking like you've known him for years."

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