Vol.7 Ch.11: The Reserved Spot

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After everybody shot down Vincent's absurd design ideas for the club's registration form, Yuel carefully examined the flier from start to end to reveal all its flaws.

"Rather than the design," Yuel said. "The fields are a little lacking. For example, there's no field asking for the player's main role."

"True," Vincent admitted. "The captain from last year said he wanted to keep the form as simple as possible because there are lazy bums who give up on the spot if they see a long questionnaire."

"Oh, I know the feel!" Lars nodded repeatedly. "Totally gives ya that exam PTSD, doesn't it? Ya see all these questions and you're like 'Daim, I didn't know there's a quiz exam today!'"

"But, that wouldn't make you give up on registering to a Mancers club, would it?" Yuel asked.

"Nah, no chance. I'd even write an essay if I had to! Ain't gonna give up on Mancers like that, yo."

"Right, that's what I wanted to hear," Yuel nodded. "So, the people who give up on the club just because the form is a little long aren't worth our time. May as well give up on them."

"Harsh," Vincent nodded with a sense of respect. "Though, I can't help but wonder. Why do you want to know their main roles? We're going to pick the best player by rank anyway."

"The more data, the better," Yuel explained. "Knowing the main roles of the candidates will help us make more educated decisions. For example, if there are two players with close ranks, we can prioritize one of them based on the main roles they play. Say, Mid and Jungler are the more desirable roles for the club at the moment. We got enough people who can play other roles."

"Oh! I see, I see," Vincent nodded. "Knowing what they're maining will help you pick the optimal tools for the team. As expected from the Chessmaster! Always thinking practically."

"Sure," Yuel shrugged. "Another thing that's missing is an explanation for how to retrieve the player ID from the game."

"Isn't that something anybody with half a brain would know?" Kai raised an eyebrow and threw a glance at the others.

"I'd think so," Vincent agreed.

"Yeah," Lars nodded. "Even I know how to do that stuff."

"Oh, you sure do," Yuel nodded. "But, when did you learn it, again?"

"Hm?" Lars cocked his head. "Dunno, I probably knew all along. Yeah, I was born with that knowledge! The first word I said as a baby was my player ID, yo!"

"Yeah, right. You actually didn't know how to get it until you had to fill it for our entrance exam"


"Yeah, seriously. You even asked me for some help because you somehow went into the wrong menu at first."

"Did I? Don't remember for the life of me."

"Of course you don't," Yuel sighed. "Anyway, it's better to add a brief explanation on the form. Something small that explains how to navigate to the profile screen and where you can find the ID on it. It'll save us a lot of trouble. You don't want every other candidate to ask you how to retrieve it."

"Sounds good," Kai said. "Now that you mention it, I think there was a freshman last year who came to me and asked what's their player ID was."

"Oh, I remember that! It was pure gold!" Vincent burst into laughter. "She gave that poor kid a look that's like 'Are you dumb or something?' and he ran away. The poor kid got scared for his life. Kai is such a bully."

"I-I didn't mean it like that," Kai turned away. Her white cheeks turned reddish. "It's supposed to be common knowledge, okay? Not my fault he was asking dumb questions."

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