Vol.2 Ch.10: Competitive Nicknames

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Soon after Yuel joined the Classmancers club, people pushed all sorts of menial tasks on him. Or, rather, he always somehow found himself volunteering after learning the circumstances. Watching others do things inefficiently or struggle with something that's so easy to resolve - it's aggravating, he couldn't stay put.

Thus, he methodically and thoroughly resolved every request to the best of his ability. He opened up the dysfunctional computers in the club and cleaned their fans, resolving the overheating issue. In addition, he edited the Classmancers config file on all computers, lowering the quality of graphics in favor of better performance, something these potato PCs really needed. On top of that, he installed a newer unofficial version of Classmancer Trainer, which worked on the older OS of these computers.

It came as no surprise everybody started treating him as the "technician". Whenever they faced a technical problem or question, no matter how small, they always turned to him first. Even when it had absolutely nothing to do Classmancers, they still turned to him. Ugh.

"Say, Yuyu." Ellen creeped up behind him. "How can you record videos on PC?"

"Videos? What kind of videos?"

"You know, game footage and stuff."

"Not sure, there are probably some programs for that. You should google it."

"My, you really don't know?" Ellen whimpered like an abused puppy. "Or, you just don't want to help lil' ol' me?"

"Ugh, alright I'll look into it."

"My, aren't you a doll~"

And aren't you a snake. Yuel sighed, but accepted the job anyway. With each passing day, the amount of random tasks thrown his way seemed to increase. It came to the point he helped others install, update and fix random smartphone apps. None of that had anything to do with him or Classmancers! It was a huge pain, but feeling useful wasn't all too bad.

When he wasn't providing technical support, he played practice matches with the other members, grinded rank points online in a party, theorycrafted, discussed the meta and basically participated in whatever the club felt like doing at the moment. The daily schedule Aron printed was very specific, but the atmosphere in the club was more laid back than expected. It wasn't uncommon for a large portion of the club to just do whatever they wanted and drag the rest into that activity, regardless of what was written in Aron's schedule. Naturally, Aron frowned upon that, but then just sighed and played along.

The training regime was a bit lacking too. They only played and discussed Classmancers for about three hours a day, they didn't even exercise to stay in shape. Compared to how intense was the entry exam, the club's regime was very casual.

Nevertheless, it contributed immensely to the members' growth as players. Everybody on the team were skilled players, so playing with them and against them was an efficient way to improve. There's no comparing that to playing Ranked with only Lars and Julia, which is how Yuel trained throughout the summer. Even with this casual regime, just by being around these high level players - he was going to improve immensely.

Still, not being given any specific challenges to overcome was a bit disappointing for a rookie. The greatest "challenge" freshmen faced early on was deciding on their competitive IGNs. They were going to carry these names all the way to the pro scene, so it's an important and difficult decision. At least, for some...

"I'mma go with Gunz." Lars said.

"Let's see if it's available." Howard typed "Gunz" into the textbox. "Seems good. You sure you don't want more time to think?"

"Yep, 200% sure." Lars gave a thumb up. So, why did he pick "Gunz"? Simple, he just loved playing first person shooters, there's no deeper meaning to it. He literally went with the first thing that crossed his mind, as expected of the goof.

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