Chapter 1

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As soon as I got home I had breakfast with mum, she was talking to me about being 16 and all that.

"Boys will be boys I tell you that" she says a grin across her face, like she just conjured up a memory from the past.

"Well iv been around boys my whole life mum, Charlie and Cooper always have their mates over and well we're all friends to be honest. And most of my friends are guys" I say eating the last of my Açai bowl.

"Oh yeah I know that, you guys come back from a surf and all I see are half dressed guys all around the back yard" she laughs. Our house backs onto the beach basically, our whole back yard is practically sand.

"Yeah well talking about surfing I need to get Alice over here" I stand up and rush up the stairs, and head straight to my room. My blue and white room filled with everything that screams beach . I Grab my phone and calling Alice.

"Hello" Alices voice chimes through the small speaker.

"Hey lis, get over here let's go surfing"

"I feel like having a chill day, can I come later this arvo and we can eat food on the beach?" She asks

"Mm alright then, if I'm not in the house you know where I'll be"

"Of course I know" she laughs. "I'll see you then, I'll bring my board and stay the night at yours"

"Alright cool cya" I hang up leaving my phone on the bed.

I look out the window to see the surf is getting crowded, I look around to find a book and towel. The towel is slightly damp from this morning but it's fine. I still had my blue RVCA bikini on from this morning so I'm set.

I walk down the creaky stairs and out the back door, letting it close Behind me. I hear a little growl, I turn to see that maxi wining at the screen door. I laugh.

"Maxi what are you doing. You want to follow me do you?" I say in a baby voice, he barks and scratches at the door. I grab his ball and open the door. He immediately bolts.

I walk through the back yard to the sand and walk a little further, where a tree provides some shade. I place my towel down. Maxi bolts to me and runs over my towel. "Maxi cmon" I say frustrated, he barks and jumps one side the other. I through his ball far enough it reaches the water edge.

I adjust my towel and lay down, opening my book and forgetting about the world around me. After a while maxi runs up to me and falls asleep.

I'm sure I feel asleep cause when I woke up to Charlie, my older brother was calling my name, I could feel my legs were burnt and the sun had moved.

"Lexi wear sunscreen" he laughs.

"Your looking like a tomato lex" a voice says. I turn around to see Charlie's best friend Jace. They just came out of the surf.

"Thx for the update Jace, I had no idea" I roll my eyes, stand up grabbing my stuff and heading back to the house.

"Also happy birthday, your finally 16 munchkin" Jace ruffles my hair. My birthday was a few days ago and I hadn't seen Jace for a while. Jace and Charlie are both 17 and a half they basically look the same as well.

They both have good body's, tan skin, it's just jace has dark blue eyes and blonde hair. Charlie has hair like me brown with sun bleached, natural highlights.

"Thank you jace" I smile.

"The pleasure is all mine" he winks

"Can you stop hitting on my sister mate" Charlie says out of no where.

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