Chapter 17

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I walk out of the surf. After the long trek of unloading the car I ran into the water. As I walk out I see joshes family. They must have pulled up a while ago because they seem pretty settled in.

I walk up to josh and hug him. "Hey josh" I smile.

"Lexi, how are you?" He asks letting go of me.

"Yeah I'm good, excited to be here for a week" I raise my arm.

He nods "Yeah same, where's Alice" he asks. I actually don't know where she is, last I saw her was in the water but then she got out with Max. I turn around to see her and max on the beach, they share a passionate kiss. Josh likes Alice so that's gonna sting.

"She's, uh, she's with-" josh cuts me off.

"I can see Lexi. Im not stupid! She's with Max I know. I thought we were getting somewhere" he looks down and walks over to his caravan.

"Josh. You know she's al-" he slams the caravan door.

I roll my eyes and raise my arm in the air "fucking hell" I mumble, I turn around to go place my board back.

I see mum and dad making lunch, I drop my board and walk over. "whats for lunch?"

"sausage rolls" mum passes me a sausage in a long bun. I smile.

"Thank you" I sing and walk off.

"Take these to Alice and max as well, please" mums says making me turn around. I walk back grab them and head towards the two love birds.

"ew, love birds, I'm gonna vomit" I stick my tongue out. They laugh as they look up. "I brought food, so you guys can stop sucking each others faces off" I smile handing them over.

"oh shut up. You and Noah will be going at soon for sure" max chuckles as he takes a bite.

"yeah for sure. He can go die in a hole" I smile and walk off. I roll my eyes, Noah can go and eat a toad.

I go to my caravan and put grey sweatpants on but leave my bikini on.

The sun was slowly setting, the first day but not official day we are here, is coming to an end.

Lunch was over 3 hours ago. All the mums went into town to have a girls dinner, and then bring back dinner for everyone else, so we're all waiting on them.

Alice is still with max, I walk over to Jace, Brody and Charlie. They're all laughing about something, I sit in the chair across from Jace.

"Lexi, getting bored are we?" Brody asks.

"Yep. Someones busy being all lovey dovey" I point over to the two, they're laughing and smiling happy to be next to each other.

"Ahh, busy with boys. Oh well you got us" Jace opens his arms and smiles.

"Ew no go away, you parasite" Charlie makes a disgusted face.

"Well I think i'll be more entertaining than you, cause I can actually play I spy, so go run along" I smile as a I shoo him.

"shut up" he slaps my arm. I glare at him.

"Guys lets go to the pool" Noahs voice coms from behind me. He walks so he's in-between Jace and Charlie.

"Yeah good idea" Brody nods.

"yeah foods taking for ever, might as well" Charlie stands.

"Hey lex are you coming" Jace asks

"yeah sure got nothing better to do. She's still busy" I giggle as everyone looks over to see, the 2 in a hammock hugging and talking. I fake a gag and start walking "come on then"

"what about towels?" Charlie asks.

"Don't be a pussy big bro, it's only water" I smile and turn around. Someone comes up to me and wraps their arm around my shoulders, I look up to see Jace.

"So annoying that your best friend is busy, but I guess I can help you with that. We can go have fun" he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oh JJ, that is highly unli-" I get cut off by my brother.

"Get off my sister mate" my brothers voice comes out agitated.

"Hey, hey Im not hitting on her" Jace says, I scoff.

"thats it" Charlie starts to run. Jace turns around to see him heading towards him, he screams, letting go of me and runs. Charlie hot on his trail.

Brody, Noah and i laugh as Jace barely makes it away from Charlie. They keep running until they're out of sight.

"So you and Jace, huh?" Noahs voice coms from behind me.

I turn around "And you care because?" I raise a brow.

"Ouch it was just a question" he shrugs

"Lexi, darling how have you been" Brody walks up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I roll my eyes.

"yep Im great" I look around the sky is dark, the lamp posts along the old rocky road are on giving a bit of light so we can see. I turn to see Noah next to Brody, a bit pissed. His face is showing it as he rolls his eyes.

"i can make you better" he gives me that look.

"oh my" I scoff and slap him "Im going to kick you in those so called balls of yours" he lets go of me and runs.

"no you won't, these are precious" he runs faster. But I keep walking.

"Not anymore" I yell.

I think back to what Brody said how he was manipulated to like Noahs girl, what if he wasn't manipulated what if he actually went after her. What he just did to me. But Noah doesn't like me, but why is he pissed? I don't understand boys.

The silence around Noah and I thickens, with a bit of awkwardness.

"So you and my brother too" his voice slightly mad.

"Are you seriously jealous or something, he's a boy what can you expect" I look to see the pool coming into view. Charlie and Jace still going at each other , Brody laughing.

"you can expect this" noah grabs me and kisses me, pulling me closer to him. Wrapping his arms around my body. I kiss him back, but I mentally slap myself. No Lexi. What the fuck are you doing.

I push him away, "Seriously Noah, what is with you boys tonight" I scoff.

"Why the hell are you ignoring me then?" He asks running his hand through his perfect hair. No stop.

"Hey it's not just me it's you to" I say crossing my arms.

"clearly we feel something, but don't got the balls to act on it" he rolls his eyes.

"Oh no we act on it, you just decide to go whore around" I say anger lacing my voice. The pool getting closer. The boys already in.

"Me, I whore around, you do to" his voice comes out stern.

"Oh my god, you're making me so angry. I haven't thought about another guy since I met you. But you, you decided to go try all the flavours" I almost yell at his face.

"ok so you haven't but how have I 'tried all the flavours'?"

"You act nice, but then you go flirt with that dumb bitch I absolutely hate!" My voice getting louder.

"We had this convo the other day" he groans

"yeah we did but you just can't get it through your thick skull that's you're so fucking misleading, and all you do is lead me on. Im. Sick. Of. It." I yell

"OK. I like you, alright! And I don't know how to act on it last time I got into to something serious it ended in fucking heartbreak. And I'm sick of watching you with other guys, I get fucking jealous. I want you , I just don't know how to fucking get you" he yells.

My eyes go wide, his jaw clenches as he looks the other way. Oh shit.

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