Chapter 18

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I paddle out beyond the break. The surf was small today, so I decided to use my mal.

It's 5:40 in the morning, the sky is a bright orange giving the water a slight orange glow. The sun is still under the horizon.

I didn't want to talk to anyone so I woke up earlier then usual, Noah just stormed off last night so what was I meant to do? Run after him like a lost puppy, I just walked back . A small wave rises which is slightly bigger than the others but no bigger than 2 foot. I paddle, letting the board glide, I stand up cross stepping up and down the board.

The little wave comes to an end, I paddle out again. A few surfers are out now, more longboards than shortboards.

I have a conversation with a couple of them, talking about the huge swell that came through last holidays. It was a gnarly swell, Charlie sprained his ankle and couldn't surf for the last days of the trip.

A set comes through, I paddle. I nearly make it, but the wave doesn't catch my board. I huff and paddle back again.

This time I paddle stronger, both arms at the same time. The wave catches my board, I stand up and cross step along the board. The wax gripping my feet.

I misplace my feet walking back and slip, falling off the board hitting the foam, the board lunges from underneath me. I hit the surface of the water as the board gets dragged by the wave, pulling my ankle with it. I tug it back with my leg and hop back on.

I get another wave. The swell is picking up so the waves are hitting 3 feet. I glide up and down the green face, the lip threatening to break in front of me. I cross step to the tip placing both feet at the end, doing a hang ten. My body leaning slightly back to keep the balance. I turn around to see the wave reforming I quickly step back before the board lefts up.

I hop off as I hit the shore. I grab the board and walk up the sand to the peaceful caravans. No ones awake yet. I place my board with the others, I get my hair in my hands and squeeze out the salt water letting it drip on the sandy dirt bellow me.

I look out to the beach, I see Noah running along the wet send where little waves rise and full, he's not wearing a shirt. My heart melts. But it can't, I can't.

He may have said he liked me but I can't fall for that, or maybe I already have. I look away from him.

I take in a steady breathe, I close my eyes for a second and think. I need Alice.

I walk over to her caravan and sneak inside, I look around but I can't see her. I walk out and go to Max's caravan I look through the window but I still can't her.

Maxi licks my leg, he whimpers and drops the stick in front of me. "Not now" I shoo him away, he whimpers louder. "Fine" I groan, I grab the stick and launch into the air, he chases after it.

I look around the caravans and see a little tent. Oh please no. I tiptoe to the tent, the leaves bellow my feet crunch slightly, I grab the cold metal zip, and pull it down. I peak through to see Alice in max's arms. Aww they're so cute.

"Psst, psst. Alice" I whisper yell. "alice" i say a little louder. She groans and snuggles closer to max, that's when I see the packet, "Max you didn't" I almost yell, he sits up startled ready to punch the intruder, Alice yelps.

"I didn't what" he groans. My eyes fall on the closed packets, I search for an open one.

His eyes go wide, and he looks at his wallet that's splayed out on the tent floor. "Oh shit. No, fuck no. they fell out. I wasn't. I promise" he grabs them stuffing the blue packets back in the wallet with a red face. I look over to Alice, she covers her red cheeks with the sleeping bag.

"Alice I need to talk to you about something" I smile.

"But I want to sleep"

"Now" I say lowly through clenched teeth but still smiling, "please"

"Oh" she realises "Yep ok coming" she stands up and puts her hoodie over her pjs. We walk down to the hammock, I sit down as she does.

She looks at me. "Spill".

I huff, and tell her what happened last night. "But you didn't even notice I went off cause you were to busy with ya boyfriend" I smirk.

She blushes "Well he hasn't asked me yet. Anyway enough on me. HE HAS FEELINGS FOR YOU!" She yells.

"Shut up! God the whole caravan park doesn't need to know" I yell back. She laughs. "I...he's just such a player, I can't trust him" I sigh.

"well you don't know what its like unless you try" she shrugs.

"What getting your heart Brocken, been there done that"

"Oh come on, I know it's hard to let go of the past, but I think it's time" she places a hand on my shoulder.

"It will never be the right time, I can't just forget the past. He broke me. And worst part of it is that I didn't even see it coming, I was blind in fake love" I feel the tears brimming my eyes but I don't let them fall "i know Im only 16, but it felt like love, but isn't that what all teens say" I look at her. My eyes wide when I see Noah standing there.

"I think I'll just go" he goes to turn around.

"why did you show up in the first place" I huff " leav-"

"hey" Alice slaps me "Noah get back here" she stand up and pushes Noah into the hammock "Talk, you 2 are so frustrating to watch, YOU both have feeling for each other, you've admitted it. FUCKING ACT ON IT ALREADY. Im sick of hearing both of you talk about it behind each others back. And yes max tells me everything ,Noah" she sighs "Now goodbye" 

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