Chapter 13

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I hop out of the car and walk with Alice up to the from door. The creamy yellow and white house holds so many memories, its 2 stories and holds a pool with a spa in the back yard, I wave to the boys as they drive off. The door opens. "Lexi, I haven't seen you in ages" Sally Alices mum hugs me and lets us in. "How are you?" She asks

"I'm good, and you?" I reply.

"Im doing very well, thanks sweetheart" she walks into the kitchen and brings out some fresh cookies, "Here I made these today, go eat them before your dad does" She hands them to Alice. We laugh and nod.

"My cookies, excuse me. Oh, Lexi haven't seen you in a while" Brett Alices dad walks over and hugs me while taking a cookie. He shushes me and Alice. But sally sees and slaps his head. We all laugh.

"Alight guys we'll be upstairs watching a movie" Alice drags me to her room.

"Ok see you guys in the morning" sally says.

We walk into Alices room, the white room is covered in posters and shells, everything beach like mine. I hump on her queen sized bed and just stare at the ceiling.

"whats the time" I ask

"It's 5 till 11" she replies while finding the remote to the tv.

What's the bet Noah and Ella are hooking up right now, tangled up with each other making out. Why did I think that the kiss meant something, ahh, idiot. Lexi you idiot.

"whats wrong Lexi, let it all out" I look to Alice and shake my head, she walks over and lies down next to me. "Spill. What's got you in a 'imma stare at the ceiling because its much more interesting' mood" she sits up as I do the same.

"Well jay tried to get me in bed and saying all the stuff like 'you didn't like Jamie you liked me', and stuff like that, he then got mad when I pushed him away when he was kissing me, I ran into the bathroom. Noah was there and knocked him out I think, and well he got me something to drink and then we went out side to talk. He was being so nice to me my heart was dying from moving too fast. Anyway he said just tell me what happened. So I did. And then he...looked into my eyes and asked, no joke asked if he could kiss me. I nodded and well, make out session happened. Once we pulled apart jay came running over, the fight happened. I asked if he was ok. He was. Then we were gonna leave he just acted like nothing happened between us, like I told him I loved Jamie and I told him about what jay said because I trusted him and then he kissed me and I thought holy shit, he must care for me. But NO he goes over to his mates and Ella waddles up. And subtly flirts with her when I'm right in from of him. I thought, no, my dumbass thought he liked me, he actually cared. That something real happening between us. But no players gonna play. I hate him. But when he kissed me. My heart ponded, his hands were all over body, I could feel sparks, it felt so good. Im such and idiot he can go get a surfboard nose to the eye" I realise there was tears running down my face. I finally breathe a proper breath and look over at Alice, her eyes wide. She smiles and hugs me. I just sit in her arms and cry.

I really thought that kiss meant something, like he actually truly cared but he settled my questions the second he interacted with Ella. Who cares anyway.

"Hey, Lexi you've been crying for a solid half an hour" she pats my head "want to watch a movie" I nod.

"ok we are watching To All The Boys I've Loved Before" she goes into Netflix and we play the movie. I cry just seeing happy couples, I've seen the movie before but I could watch it over and over again.

They're so cute together, I love how their relationship is fake but grows to something real, the part comes up when they go on the ski trip.

LJ seems so upset, "I know how you feel LJ, Fake boys suck" I mumble.

"oh shush lexi, you'll be fine" Alice grabs the cookies and placed them between us.

"What, boys do they play with your heart then they just oh go big whoopee and kick it for a field goal" I huff stuffing a cookie in my mouth, I look at Alice and raise a brow. She looks at me trying not to laugh but fails miserably. She laughs so hard she almost chokes on her cookies.

"Ok, OK. Its not funny, but what you said is" she chuckles under her breath.

"Actually I don't know why I'm overreacting on this Noah situation. Its not like we're dating, but then again I do know why, I like him alot and you know he kissed me, he acted like he cared for reals. The kiss felt like it meant something." I sigh eating another cookie.

"just...i don't know, ignore him or just let him come to you. Forget about him" she focuses back on the movie as do I. 

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