Chapter 5

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   I grab Alice, and pull her to the little hut off to the side of the pool.

"Whats wrong lex" she slurs out. Not completely drink but tipsy.

"Noah, Noah's here" I say. Her eyes go wide.

"Oh man I didn't think about that, of course he would be here its Josh's place. His mates place and its his first day here" she slaps her head. I groan.

"We should go in the pool" Alice says. "theres many people in there so maybe he won't notice you" she adds. I nod.

We go inside the house and place out clothes in the spare room and walk out and head to the pool.

"cannon bomb" I yell as I hit the water, Alice coming after me. I come up laughing. Alice and I swim over to the noodles floating at the stairs and lean on them.

We chat about life, whisper about boys, bitch about Ella. And most importantly give our opinions on who's going to be the next winner of the WSL.

I was about to go on with the girls heat this weekend when I felt hands on my hips, the person hugs me "I've missed you, I know you miss me to" he says

My eyes go wide. No. Alice looks at him hatred in her eyes.

I turn around and push him under water "Seriously Jamie, I told you to leave me alone. Forever." I step back.

"I'm sorry , you know I was drunk" he whispers

"yeah you may of been drunk, but the other time you were sober as hell. And I was there but I left early" I whisper yell.

"Can't you forgive me?" He questions

"How do you have the audacity to ask that, Jamie?" Anger really getting to me now. "God you're that bloody clueless, leave me the fuck alone" I jump out of the pool and head inside, Alice hot on my trail.

"What the hell is his problem" anger laced Alices words.

"I don't know, didn't Charlie get it through his thick skull" I groan. "Why is he even here" I add. I grabbed my dress and put it back along with Alice.

We talked out the room and grabbed another drink, I look out the kitchen window to see Jamie making out with some random girl in the pool. I roll my eyes.

I check my phone, the time is 6:30. Josh has passed out on the couch watching a movie. I walked over to the couch and woke him. "Oi josh, why the hell did you invite Jamie, of all people" I question.

He groans "Mum let me sleep" he turns over and faces the couch. He's so out of it.

I walk out the back door into the crown where Alice is. Alex, Mia and lily squeal. "Lexi" they all hug me.

I laugh "hey girls". The five of us are great friends, we usually surf together and go to school together. "We need to camp on the beach again, we haven't done that in ages" I say getting excited, the thought of Jamie draining from my mind.

"Ahhhh yes, we need to" Mia jumps up and down garbing my hands. We All laugh.

"Hey girls" a voice said from behind me.

I turn to see Noah smiling down at me, I show a smile and push my hair behind me ear "Hi" .

"Ah you must be Noah, you're new here?" Lily asks

"yeah semi, I'm usually here over the holidays but now I'm staying for good. Lucky me I have you hotties to keep my company" he grins

"New fuck boy in town" Alex says rolling her eyes. "you touch my girlies and imma slap you" she adds.

"Whoa, calm down tiger, not in that way" he laughs.

"Yeah for sure hun" I roll my eyes.

"You were surfing this morning, and playing footy with Charlie" he smirks knowing exactly what happened.

I look down my face going red "Ah yeah"

"You're really good surfer and footy plater" he laughs.

My heart is pounding right now, he's looking down at me as I look up, I smile uncontrollably. "Ah thanks" I try not to squeal. God what's happening.

I look at Alice, she's trying so hard not to laugh, the girls looking at me knowing exactly what's happening.

"I-uh need a drink" I step out and head to the kitchen. My heart it literally in my throat, my hands are shaking. What is happening! I am never like this with any boy. I place my hands on the counter in front of me and breathe.

Lexi get a hold of yourself, have drink and calm the hell down. I take a swig of the vodka in front of me, it tingles as it goes down. I shake my head and get some Pepsi poring it into a cup and add vodka. A lot of vodka.

I look out the window to see Noah laughing, the girls and some others guys laughing along with him. I smile he's so cute. No he's a fuck boy, Lexi he's a fuck boy, Lexi don't want fuck boy. Or does she. No. No. No.

I walk out taking a big sip of my drink. I stand nest to Alice, furthest away from Noah because I'm afraid if I'm any closer Im going to pin him to wall and make out with him.

Ariana Grande's song 'break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored' came on. I smiled. I start to dance, the girls laugh.

They know I was obsessed with this song when I had a crush on Jace. They would always play it on when he was around, and well that's when he had a girlfriend so the song fits.

"You got me some type of way, Ain't used to feelin' this way, I do not know what to say, yeah yeah, but I know I shouldn't think about it, took one fucking look at your face, now I wanna know how you taste" I sing in my unflattering drunk voice while swinging my hips to the beat.

My girls join in as the boys just watch laughing. The crowd dancing gets bigger, everyone jumping hyping to the music.

"Break up with your girlfriend yeah yeah cause I'm bored" we all sing.

We dance for ages singing along to any song that comes on.

I go and sit in the hut near the pool, Alice and lily next to me.

The sky's getting darker every second, the stars start to appear giving the sky a decorative pattern.

"Lexi, got an eye on a man?" lily asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"pfft what are you talking about" I laugh. "he's not aloud to be that cute" I frown. The girls laugh.

"You guys would be hella cute" Alice giggles.

"Well he's a fuck boy and he probably fucking someone right now" I huff crossing my arms.

Mia walks over with her Girlfriend Laura, Mia's bisexual, she came out a few months ago, we support her even though her parents don't. Their relationship is absolute goals. Everyone loves them.

"Aww my fav couple" I squeal. Jumping up and hugging them.

"Um guys who the hell is with Alex" I point to the crowd, "Ayy get some Alex" I scream. She looks over and laughs.

I start to feel dizzy and sit down. I fall back "Lexi tired, lexi sleep" I mumble.

I hear laughing but it slowly fades away. 

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