Chapter 23

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The days past by fast and we were on the road once again, the sad thing about going back is that school is starting next week, the weeks went by way to fast as I really don't want to go back.
We pull onto the highway one by one, I watch the fields around me, and how they change to subtle forests.
My eyes become heavy as its only 4 in the morning. My head leans on the cold fogged up window and I fall asleep to the cars subtle rumble of the engine.
I go to move my neck, but an electric shook type pain shoots up my neck, I grab my neck rubbing it as my eyes are jammed closed trying to focus away from the pain.
I lift my neck and open my eyes, I feel the drool trail on my chin and wipe it off. I cringe at the feel of it.
My eyes finally adjusting to the light, I see that there is no one in the car. I undo my seat belt, and shift over to the other window, that's half down. Home.
Maxi's there sleeping in the slither of light that the porch holds.
My bag sits at the front door. This always happens. I sleep the whole way back and everyone just leaves me in the car.
I open the door, a loud crack comes with it, alerting Maxi. He looks up, both eyes sleepily opened, an ear folded back and the tip of his tongue sticking out, dry as a desert.
I walk up to him, my things in hand. "Who's a good boy, yeah you are" I pat him as he adjusts his sleepy self.
I walk past him into the house, grabbing my bag on the way in.
Coopers sitting there talking into his headset. "Nah that came from the east, Hold up west I think" he goes quiet for a second "Shut up I wasn't looking, it was a guess"
I just walk past him, he isn't fazed by my presence and keeps his concentration on his stupid game.
I chuck my things in my room and unpack as much as possible, the tv playing in the background. I throw the bag in the closet to be forgotten about until the next trip. I jump on my bed with a sigh.
The surf was great up there, we come down here and there's a storming heading straight for the coast. I mean of corse there is.
They said it will hit in around 2 weeks time, apparently it's brewing in the open ocean and isn't doing much at this point.
The next week flies by, the storm still taking its time, all I did was hang with Noah and guess what school starts today. Fucking kill me.
I zip up the grey skirt and button up the stained white shirt, ties my shoes and brush my hair. I grab my light blue school hoodie and my phone. Spray some perfume and leave my room.
I run down stairs realising the time. "Bye mum love you" I grab my bag and walk out the door.
"Bye sweetie" she yells.
I hop Into Charlies car in a rush. "Can you go any faster?" sarcasm lacing Charlie's voice and he rolls his eyes.
"Huh, funny" I put my bag at my feet as I slam the door.
Sadly the school gates come into view, I groan loudly. Cooper does the same thing.
"Stop your whining and get out of my car" he pulls into the school parking lot. I hop out closing the door behind me and heading towards the usual spot where my group sit.
Under a big grey umbrella sits a huge round table filled with many people that I knew. Bags and binders layered the table and the ground around it as people mingled.
"Lexi!" Alice screams tackling me, almost to the ground.
Alex, lily and Mia run up to me as soon as Alice lets go. "I missed you" they say in unison. They hug me tight.
"" I say. But then start laughing, they join.
Other people come up and say hi, talking about anything and everything possible.
The bell rings through out the school, I groan and walk to my first class. Sadly I haven't seen Noah yet and yes luckily he goes to this school.
I walk into my English class, luckily I have josh and Stacy to keep entertained for this year.
I sit in the back row next to josh. "Great queen bitch just walked in" he rolls his eyes as he looks at me.
I look up and groan as she walks across the class. "Great she's in our English class. This is gonna be a long year"
"Fucking tell me about it" Stacy shakes her head.
English passed quickly, Math was after I had Mia in that class, sadly at break I had to go to the art rooms to speak to my teacher and grab something from last year. I gaged as I saw it and chucked it in my bag. Earth and environmental science was next, Alice, Lily and I are in the same class, this will be a good subject only because they're in it. Pd started and I was happy to see most of my group on this class except for Noah, jay, and Mia but I internally cried when I saw queen bitch walk in with her group of low lives, who I honestly pity all they do is follow her around.
Happy that it was lunch I walked out to my group, I sat down next to Alice, chucking my bag to the ground and placed my head on the table and groaned "Im already sick of this"
"Ha tell me about it" Alice replies. I sit up. People started to fill the table conversations started, I still hadn't seen Noah and I'm sad, I want to see him.
"Have you seen the new kid in our year" a girl is talking to someone, I turn around to see a group walking past.
"Yeah that Noah kid?" the brunette responds
"Yeah him. Fuck he's so hot. He spoke to me, he's in my PD class" the blonde gets all giggly.
"Oh my god you're so lucky, I have him in my English class" she sighs. "He's such a view" she swoons.
I roll my eyes, of course this was gonna happen.
"Can he like fuck me already" the other brunette says. "Ella apparently hooked up with him at a party" she adds.
I shoot up at that, Alice looks at me "Are you ok?" She questions.
"yeah Im fine" I laugh it off.
I sit back down, the next second I feel strong masculine arms wrap around me. I instantly smile. I look up to see him looking down at me, his blue eyes staring into mine, his brown surfer hair just falling over his handsome face. My heart races, this is at school in front of everyone. He kisses my cheek. My cheeks go red raw.
I turn to face him and stand up, hugging him again. "Hey baby" he whispers. My heart bounces around my ribcage.
"Hey" I hug him tighter.
He pulls away "Im so sad you're not in any of my classes" he shows a frown.
"Still have one class. Art." I smile
"you know I'm not doing art" he chuckles.
"Yeah I know" I sit back in my seat, Noah comes and sits next to me, placing his bag near mine.
"Since when the fuck did you two happen!" Lily yells at us as everyone looks wide eyed.
I forgot about the people around me, I forgot that they don't know. This is what Noah does to me, when its just me and him everything else just melts away. I become even more flushed then before. "Um, well we're dating" I look to the ground.
"Oh my god you bitch" Alex looks at me "You didn't tell me" she instantly frowns. She comes around to me and hugs me. "You are fast" she whispers in my ear. I let out a laugh.
Other people around the table make little comments. Noah answers some but then we break into our own conversation.
"Can we go for a walk?" He grabs my hand and looks at me. A sudden nervousness comes over me.
I check the time, its about ten minutes till the end of lunch. I nod.
We leave the table, we walk to the oval. We talk about random things.
"I'm going surfing this arvo, you should join" I say walking to the bench and sitting down.
"obviously I'm joining" he chuckles as he sits across from me.
I look around and see the oval thriving with kids, especially the year 12s and their footy game. And For sure Charlie and Brody are there playing, Cooper and his mates watching as the big boys play.
"i know this isn't the best place or time its just I can't wait and seeing you around all these people, and the guys you're going to be around on the daily, I just...i want to make it official" he looks at me. My hands become clammy, my eyes widen and I feel my self getting giddy. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He stops. I just sit there. "I know we've only been dating for like over a week, but I'm really happy with you but I totally get it of you want to go on more dates before this becomes offical" his eyes meet mine again.
My mouth opens but I don't say anything so I shut it. Noah and I hung out like everyday of this week, acting like the best friends and like a strong ass couple. And I'm so happy with him to. Like I said before he Makes everything just melt away when its just us. But what if. No!. NO what ifs!
I realise he's still sitting there, worry clearly stated on his face.
I look at Him a smile on my face "Of corse I will, is that even a question" all worry leaves his face and gets replaced with bright eyes and huge smile.

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