Chapter 38

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He can get kicked in the balls for all I care, I walk out of the cafe with speed. Passing Alice the ticket so she can collect the food.
I walk past the car, onto the beach. Glistening in all its glory, the water washes calmly up the beach, oh how I wish we could swap. I sit down on the sand, waiting patiently for Max and Alice to join.
"Lexi please"
I roll my eyes, I don't want to look at his stupid head but I do it anyways.
"What. The. Fuck. Do you want?" Venom laces every word that comes out of my mouth.
"Stop being so rude and fucking listen for once" he yells at me. Are you joking? I stand.
"Excuse me, you were the one who did this to yourself so don't expect me to come bearing butterflies and rainbows!" Anger, all I feel is anger.
"If you would just listen then maybe, just maybe, you would actually know what the fuck I didn't do!" He steps closer, now arms length apart.
"What you didn't do was think!"
"Are you fucking joking, Lexi, what you don't do is fucking listen, you don't want to listen!" He groans loudly.
"I-" before I can even get a word out he reaches out and grabs my shoulders.
"She fucking did something!" He takes a breath "I don't know what but she did something" he says more calmly, stepping away from me.
I look at him an eyebrow raised, I scoff "is that the best excuse you have"
"Oh my god, you are so stubborn!" He runs his hand through his hair, looking annoyed.
I look over to the car, Alice and max stand there not coming close to us knowing better then to do that, although I definitely wouldn't mind one of them coming between us but then again it's probably the best we get this over and done with. I focus back on Noah with all the patience I have left.
"Lexi, I promised with all of my heart that I would never hurt you, and I know it's seems like I did, but I really, really, don't remember the night. I remember seeing you running out crying but nothing more then that" he sits down, his arms wrapped around his knees.
I stay standing.
"As soon as i saw your face, reality hit me. When I was in that room with Ella I really didn't know who I was with or what was happening" he stops for a second, looking out to the lowering sun "she gave me the drink, but I didn't think anything of it, I mean why should I. I didn't know she was the chick you were talking about, you never told me who it was and what really happened. If you told me who it was, if you told me it was her, I would of never went near her, but I know why you didn't say anything I mean you didn't have to" he huffs looking towards me "Look whatever you saw, was not my intention at all and I want you to know that with every fibre in my body that I love you, god since the day you liked my post" he chuckles "I don't think I've thought of any other girl to be honest, and when I saw that you were friends with josh I knew I had a chance with you and fuck was I happy. The truth is I don't think I'm capable of losing you, or loving another person. I know we are young and I know you're probably thinking 'this ain't to marriage you idiot' but no joke I can't see my self without you" he stands stepping towards me grabbing my hands. "I will never stop loving you".
He leans down slowly, placing his lips on mine. Only a soft kiss, holding absolutely everything he feels towards me, something so small that mean so much.
"If you don't feel the same, I'll let you go" he let's go of my hands and steps away.
I don't say a nothing, I look to the ground, and I don't say anything. I don't want to say anything, no I can't say anything, I physically and mentally can't do anything right now.
"I'm sorry" he surprises me when he places a small kiss on my forehead. But I still don't move.
He walks away, I watch as his feet move over the sand.
I can't.

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