Chapter 9

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After the events of last night, I woke up I tad annoyed. So I went for a run, chucked on some exercise clothing and put my music on.

That's what led me to this moment right now, looking over the main beach from the headland. I pull out my headphones and watch the scenery letting it calm me.

The waves roll in holding dolphins as they surf under the surface of the water, some jumping out to gain speed.

Surfers watch and adore the happy show nature brought them. I put my headphones back in a head down the track I came from.

I ran down onto the beach and stayed on the wet sand. I watched as surfers carved up the oncoming sets. From where I was standing all I could see was a wall of tumbling white foam, and the occasional surfer on a greenware behind it.

I turned around to head home when I was stoped mid step.

"What do you want" I question, his smile dropped.

"ouch, no good morning" he looks at me, not a thought in his mind.

" Mm nope," I go to walk past him when he grabs my arm.

" Is this about last night" he questions with annoyance in his voice.

" What else do you think, Noah" I glare at him.

" Look, I don't want my brother thinking we're getting together or anything" he smiles letting go of my arm.

" Why it's no big deal. And we're not, we were just hugging not like he's gonna come in and go oh they got married" I roll my eyes.

He has a distance in his eyes, but he hides it. " Nah he just gets annoying. You know brothers and all"

" That's one thing we can agree on, exaggerate everything they see" I smile

He laughs nodding his head.

"Oi Noah" I look past to see Max walking this way. " Hey Lexi" he waves. I return a smile.

"c'mon lets get in the water" Max nudges his head to the direction of the surf. "Lexi you should come out"

"Maybe but I'll get Cooper and Charlie out for you guys" I reply

"Ay big dog Charlie" Max fist pumps the air and walk into the water. "Noah get your ass in the water now"

"i'll see you around Lex" Noah and I first pump. "Im coming you impatient cow" he runs into the water and paddles after Max.

I walk up the beach, Maxi runs out the back door and nearly bowls me over. "Woah bud, Why are you so excited?"

"Im the reason why he's happy" Nana walks out in all her glory.

"Nana" I squeal

"Take it easy on the sand mum" My mum following her out the door.

Maxi jumps around happy because Nana is here, she always brings treats for him, I think he loves her way more then us, we're usually in the surf all year round so he doesn't get much attention.

"I was born on sand iv been walking on all 63 years of my like, I think I can handle" Nana says embracing me in a hug. I look at my mum as she shakes her head standing in the doorframe watching the encounter.

"Its been so long Nana, Where have you been" my smile getting bigger every second I'm with her.

"With the fairy's" she looks at me dead serious. "Only joking, been following the old dog around the world" she points to Papa walking out the door with his board secured under his arm.

"Papa" I run up to him and hug him.

"Oh how you've grown, you look just like your mother" he shows that sweet smile grandparents always show.

"Dad you can't go surfing, the waves are huge" my mums face full of concern.

"Have you forgot who you're talking to. I was born in the ocean, I am the ocean. Being 65 years of age won't stop me" he walks past flexing his arms. "I've been waiting to surf here for a long time, I had so much fun the last time" that was the last we heard from him.

"I see where I get the genes" I shrug.

"Thats from me to" nana waves her hand infant of my face. We all laugh.

Nan raps her arm around my shoulder and whisper "So how's that boy of yours?"

My smile falters at her question ,"That ended ages ago, nan. He was a coward"

"I knew it, I told you jess. I could see it the second he walked though that door" she points at the door.

"Mum no need to say that" Mum looks at her mother and shakes her head.

"No mum, It's ok. She's right about that I was too blind to see it" I look at the ground

Mum knows what happened between me and my coward of an Ex, I was young and stupid, still am for that matter. But I don't regret meeting him although I do regret somethings. Things I'm not proud of.

"Hey no need to get upset over it, that was ages ago. Boys always do stupid things. They're the blind ones, they don't see how much love us girls give until you find the right guy" my nan hugs me "Like your crazy ass Papa" gran looks to the surf.

I smile, nan and papas also mum and dads relationships are absolute goals, I mean look at them they all surf together, they were all born to live on the beach that's for sure.

I really thought I had something special but of course I was to blind by manipulated love. 

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