Chapter 37

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I walk into the water with heavy steps, my board under my arm, the small waves hitting my shins. I walk in further and place my board on the water, I lay on it and paddle out, ducking under waves and paddling over others.
Once I make it pay the impact zone I sit and relax, watching the sun rise and the life it brings to life.
Dolphins frolic in the distance, probably after a school of fish.
"Lexi, I'm here" Alices says as she paddles up beside me. I look at her and smile.
"Damn you're slow" I splash her with water.
"Shut up, I don't live on the beach" she splashed me back
"I kissed jace" I blurted our.
She immediately stops splashing me and faces me, The silence thickens with every second.
I don't have the courage to face her but I do, I turned to her. Her jaw is held low and her eyes are surprised.
"You did what?!" She yells. "Charlie's gonna kill him or you" she adds.
I swirl my hand through the water watching as the ripples clash with one another, "I know" I huff. "But good thing is I stopped it before it went to far, and by stop I mean I became a blubbering mess because I was thinking about Noah"
"I don't know what's worse, that you kissed jace or you're  thinking about Noah" she replies.
"Haha funny" I look at her a frown on my face.
"Hey I didn't mean it. As your best friend I want to help you and do what's best for you and I think talking to Noah will help you" she moves closer to me.
"Lexi come on" she whines.
"I said No"
"You're still thinking about him? Yes. So talk to him" she says grabbing my hand.
"I don't want to talk to him because I know I will go back to him no matter what" I breathe in "because I love him" I close my eyes hard just thinking about the good times.
"And he loves you" Max's voice comes from a distance. I open my eyes and look towards him.
"You heard that?" I ask
"Dude what do you think" he rolls his eyes.
"Shut up" I look away a bit mad.
"But I'm not joking, he does love you" he gives a serious look.
"Just because he loves me doesn't mean I can just go oh I wanna get back with you, no, I don't want to get back with him because of what he did you idiot! I don't even want to see his stupid face or hers!" Anger is definitely getting the best of me.
"Woah. I said nothing about getting back together, I was gonna say just talk about it, trust me it wasn't him, he wouldn't do that to you" Max is trying really hard to get me to do this, I know it.
"Lexi please, I've been talking to Brody, Noah's been moping around since, we all know what really happened but he doesn't want you to find out from us, he wants you to go to him and find out, when you can finally trust him" Alice adds to the over growing matter of my problem.
"Just the fact that it was her, her, it just had to be her. It hurts ya know" I look towards the new couple.
"But you know for sure she planned it, she's a bitch, she always tried to get the best from us and bring us down" Alice tries to make it better but I don't know what to think.
"Mm I guess" I say facing the on coming set. I face the shore and start to paddle, the wave stabilising my board as I pop up and glide across the green wave, carving up the face before if breaks.
I paddle back out, where only max is sitting.
"He's a mass" he says but I don't look at him.
"I can't forgive easy" I pick at the wax on my board.
"He didn't do anything and you know that" he sounds serious.
"He most likely didn't but it's not easy to see him with her, to get those images out of my head and they're with her, her, the girl who so easily ruined my relationships before. It's just hard ok"
He doesn't reply.
Alice comes up beside me a smile on her face, I show her a smile as she explains the wave she just caught, I listen intently to get my mind off the subject of 'him'.
Hours pass, filled with deep Conversations and stupid memories.
"I can't feel my lips", I say as I run my finger tips along my burnt lips. Sitting out her for hours has its consequences even if u had sunscreen on.
Alice lifts her bikini bottoms to reveal a very white line of skin against brown and very burnt skin. "Yeah sitting down isn't gonna be easy tomorrow" she places the bikini bottom back in place.
I lift mine to see the same outcome, and Max's thighs that hide under his shorts are now whiter then milk itself. Alice laughs looking at them, the red showing through on all of us we agree to go in.
The sand is hot against my feet, I hop like a rabbit trying to keep them from burning but end up running to my back yard, skidding into the only shaded part of it, just outside the back door and windows.
I sigh, when my feet hit the cooled concrete. Not cold but not hot. Alice and Max follow my actions soon after. I place my board in the rack while strategically placing my feet around the burnt grass potentially holding bindis. Alice and max place their boards face downs in the shade and follow me inside.
"Fruit for my beach lovers" mum places a huge bowl of fruit in front of us, we dig in straight away not caring about the looks Mums giving us at this moment. The quench for thirst now subsiding, I walk to the fridge and grab a bottle anyway, passing a bottle to everyone while I'm at it.
My mother eyes us all, "Aloe Vera now!" She throws a fresh, thick leaf or shall I say steam in on the bench in front of us.
"Is it really that bad?" I question, but it's answered when I look over at Max, he looks down at the leaf revealing the beautiful natural eyeshadow he now has on. I burst out into laughter, almost dying at the sight, it no joke looks like he has white eyeshadow on with a very reddish brown blush or whatever you call it.
"What?" He looks at me with his eyebrows creased. He turns to look at the mirror behind him, closing one eye and checking it out, he turns back around an annoyed look on his face, Alice then bursts out into a fit of laughter. "Shut up" he snatches the Aloe Vera and massages the gel onto his face.
I laugh as I grab the leaf out of his hand and do the same, Alice takes some too.
After the lathering of Aloe Vera, we all lay down on the couch under the fan making the aloe feel colder against my skin as the small gusts of wind hit.
You know what would be nice right now? Going for a drive and you know what I'm going to do that, I'm going to get take out and sit on the beach.
"Alice, Max. Wanna go to the beach get dinner, I'll drive" I grab my jumper and place it over my almost dry bikini.
"Sure, I have nothing this arvo, I'm gonna steal your clothes" Alice stands up and runs to my room.
"Ah yeah I need a shirt" max looks at me. "Imma take this" he lifts up a shirt that was sitting at the end of the couch, most likely Charlie's shirts, obviously wouldn't fit into coopers stuff.
I grab some exercise pants and put them over my bikini. I gen the keys of the kitchen counter. "Meet in the car" I yell as I walk out the door heading to the car.
The little Subaru, sits there in all it's old glory. I unlock it and sit the drives seat, waiting for the couple to follow.
They walk out the door hand in hand.
I groan at the perfect little happy couple they are, but I force a smile as they hop in. Alice gets in the front with me.
"Alright, let's head to Coral cafe, yeah?" I look to the 2 as I start the car.
"Hell yeah, I wanna eat" Alice places her feet on the dash.
The drive down to coral cafe was great with a side of Im dead due to not just mine but Alices singing. I hope out as I rub my ears.
"God you guys suck at that" max opens his mouth to unblock his ears.
Alice and I laugh as we head towards the cafe. Max following slowly behind.
I walk in laughing at Max's stupid complaining, I turn to the counter, walking up knowing exactly what to get. I turn to my right as someone catches my eye.
Fuck you. Is all that comes to mind. There he stands, on his phone.
He looks up at me, his eyes soften. "Lexi, please let me talk, please!".
Oh no no no.

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