Chapter 31

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I wake up lonely, his spot warm but empty. I smile, what rebels. If my dad were to find out what happened last night he would kill Noah and kick me out of the house most likely.
I get up and walk down to his room he had for the night, I open the door slowly, but I don't see him there, the bed is made and the room clean. I check the bathroom but its free.
I walk down stairs and there he is sitting with Charlie and dad having a chat.
He looks up and smiles at me, so does dad. My cheeks go red as I walk towards him. He wraps his arm around me, as I eat the piece of toast from his plate. "Oi" he complains.
"Calm it" I shove off him and laugh.
I walk out the back and check the surf, flatter  then anything this time of year. I walk in with a huff and chuck the toast in the bin, suddenly not feeling hungry,
"I could've of eaten that" Noah groans.
"Mm" I walk back up stairs and get change. My phone buzzes, I walk over while putting my shirt on.
Alice: Hey party tonight !! At Kelly's place, get over here now!
Me: WHAT ! I'll come in halfa, im with Noah atm.
I drop my phone onto my bag and walk down stairs, only Noah and Charlie sit downstairs now.
"Party tonight at Kelly's boys, who's joining?" I walk up to them.
"oh hell yeah" Noah cheers.
"Wheres Jace, Jace is joining, and yes I'm coming" Charlie stands and runs up the stairs.
" Kelly's sister" Noah mumbles.
"kelly's sister, she's like 19 and well in their eyes, she's hot as hell"
"In their eyes? And you don't find her attractive" I glare at him.
"baby how can I find another girl attractive when I have you to my self my I add, and amazing personality and your stunning ass body here is mine. You're the only girl I see, bloody hot one too" Noah whispers the last part.
I smile as I look at him. "Ok baby, I love you"
"I love you too" he kisses my cheek "I need to go get shit done I'll see you at the party" he walks out the back door. I run upstairs.
I grab a pair of shoes and run to Alices place.
I run through the door straight to her room, completely ignoring anyone in the house at that moment, I puff as I lay on Alices bed. She walks out of her connected bathroom, in just a towel.
"Wow that was fast" she mumbles getting changed as I stare at the ceiling not caring.
"Yeah I'm keen for a party, well what can we do in the mean time?" I question.
"We can watch movies, we can talk, we can swim" she comes over and joins me on the bed.
"I think talking is needed" I look at her as I sit up.
"Yeah I got some news about max" a smiles comes to her face.
I just sit there, what the hell could this be.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend" she sings.
"HE WHAT, no one can have your my best friend. And hold up you guys haven't been dating and he just asked you that out of the blue" I almost scream.
"Woah, woah, woah. For one you have a boyfriend and I'm letting that happen and for two yes, he said he wants it straight up, he doesn't want to wait" she looks at me all honestly in her eyes.
I sat there silence surrounded us. I blink my eyes a couple times as I look at her.
"Oh my god! Yes!" I jump up and hug her pushing her onto the bed "I'm so happy for you" I say into her hair as she laughs.
"Well thank you" she hugs me tighter "I'm happy you approve" he let's go of me and we sit up.
"So what are we doing?" I ask
"Pool, spa, pamper" she gets up and throws a bikini at me.
"You think I'm not wearing one, oh the pain" i look at her. She shrugs and takes off the clothes she just put on, showing the new bikini she got.
"Excuse me, where, what, I'm jealous" I look up and down at the tan and white bikini.
"I know right I got it yesterday, well Max helped me pick it out" she smiles even more.
"Oo he want to see you naked" I sing as I take off my layer of clothes to show my old but loved bikini.
We run down the stairs and leap into the crystal water, swimming around talking, laughing, mucking around.
I hop out and jump into the spa, Alice follows.
We sit in there until we look like sultanas. Which we already but did but on a much bigger scale.
We hoped out and yanked a towel from the clothesline, letting the pegs fling across the yard.
We walked in, and ran up stairs to her room. She pulled out face masks, all these face products and we got to work. She passed me this foamy stuff, which apparently exfoliates your skin. We rubbed the foam onto our faces until it became a small foam, slightly popping, but very smooth on the skin.
We washed it off and did others.
After a while we were done, I looked at Alice "so what we wearing" I smile.
"She flings her cupboard open, and we stand there for a solid two hours looking at outfits.
We found these matching outfits, one black, one white. I smiled when I saw them and instantly we put them on, it was an hour until it started and it was about 5 o'clock.
The outfits were a two piece set, a skirt and a bikini top styled top. At the top of the skirt there's a belt, matching the colour of the outfit and at the bottom of the top there's a belt also matching the colour of the outfit, the belts had gold outlining the metal parts.
They looked amazing, we disused that I'll wear the black one and Alice will wear the white one.
I strapped on these suede, black, strapped heals and Alice had ones identical just white. Our hair out.
Wow all out for a high school party, yeah why not.
We walked down stairs, luckily for us get parents weren't home, otherwise we would be locked in her room until we came up with an outfit that actually was made to cover something.
We walked out side, as Max pulled up. He undressed Alice with eyes that's for sure. Man what a stare.
Alices laughs "keep staring it's yours" she winks at him as she hops in the front seat.
He clears his throat and revs the engine. I laugh, his face now red but holds a huge smirk.
"Well get going" I sway my hand to the road "you can finish this later"
Alice giggles and looks back at me with a smirk. We drive off.

Hi guys,
Hope you all are liking the book, please give it some love I don't know if you guys are enjoying it so please comment and vote, it would be so appreciated
- summer x

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