Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning completely drained of energy, my body flops out of bed. I groan. Crying always takes so much energy from me. After the shower I went to bed but cried my self to sleep.

How sad. I change into sport shorts and a bikini.I walk into the kitchen to see mum and dad having a conversation.

"So leave tomorrow morning?" My dad says.

My ears perk up at the sound of that, leaving, are we going somewhere oh hell yeah getting away from her for a bit would be very good.

"Hmm are we going somewhere?" I question walking slowly up to the fruit basket and grab an apple, tossing it in the air and then taking a bite.

"Yep, like I promised we are going to Crescent head for a week" my dads smiles.

My eyes went wide as smile grew on my face . "HELL YEAH, LETS GO" I scream pumping my arms in the air.

"we'll get ready today we are leaving tomorrow morning. At 5" my mum looks at me eyes locked with mine. She knows I'm bad when it comes to leaving early in the morning.

"alright. I just have to get everything ready today" I turn around to walk off. "Wait who's coming with us?" I add.

"Alice's family, Josh's family, Jaces family and Noah's family, maybe Max's family" my dad answers my question.

I don't let my smile falter. I just breathe quite heavy. "So many friends, fun" I walk off and instantly roll my eyes. I was keen to get away from that...player, that fuckboy...that heartbreaking son of a...of a...agh, who cares. The one person I wanted to get away from for just a little while, well I guess a week would be way to long. No shut up. It would be too short. But then again eye candy during my trip, I think yes. Oh and Jace.

Oh and if max is coming that means my best friend Is going to be tied up being all lovey dovey. Which end up with me bing lonely, but I have josh, but he can get boring if Alice isn't around so I need Noah to come.

I walk into my room and grab my travel bag, its smaller then an average suitcase and fits everything pretty well. I go to my desk and grab the piece of paper that had everything I needed to bring from last time.

I grabbed all the clothing and sorted it out in pills, more bikinis then anything.

I went down stairs and grabbed an extra legrope. Grabbed extra wax, Toiletries, lucky me I don't need to bring any period shit because that came a week ago. Huge bonus.

I placed everything in the bag, making sure there's still room for shoes. I walk over to my closet and grab a couple pairs. Also thongs, or flip flops if that's what you call them.

A beach towel, a bath towel. My hoodie towel. I slam my suit case shut.

I get my wetsuits and chuck them in the car, mum and dad are fixing up the camper. Airing it out for today before we leave tomorrow. All boards a strapped on the roof of the car in board bags. Some inside the car. Yeah we bring alot of boards.

Some fins and all leg ropes are placed in the back of the car, in bags.

I walk back inside and double check that I have everything, I drag my bag downstairs and get the snacks ready.

The cooler bag is already filled to the top. I dig through it and find lollies. yes. And some fruit salads. Yum. Theres heaps more but whatever. I place couple of water bottles in the fridge and freezer. I Need cold water.

I check the clock, its 1:30. Time has flown. Charlie and Cooper come down stairs.

"Keen to go to crescent" Cooper sings.

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